Chapter 22: "My Mate Was So Upset After You Guys Did That."

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Robbie Amell as Tommy: remember simply suggestions

Parker and I were in Rachel's room lounging on her bed as she freaked out. "Help me!" She fell to the pile of dresses she had been trying on for the last four hours. 

Parker and I laughed, "Sorry, sweety. We aren't really good at this. We didn't really do this type of thing." 

Rachel shot up, "you guys never did winter formal?" 

I shook my head, "we didn't go to any of the functions at Datophire high. Only graduation." 

"Why?" Rachel cocked her head. 

"Boys were stupid back then," Parker waved off, "I mean they still are but back then they were bigger idiots." 

"Dude," I said, "you make us sound like old geysers." 

"We went to high school ten years ago, Madison. Get used to it." Parker shrugged and rolled off the bed to stand up. She walked up to Rachel and shoved her aside to look at the dresses again. 

"You guys suck at this, where's Jen?" Rachel moped. 

"Love you too," I rolled my eyes, "both her and Mason are with Beth and Erik and the triplets trying to get a handle on the whole baby thing. Or rather the three of them are teaching Mason how to get a handle on the triplets. Jen's has had the whole thing down since she discovered babies." 

"But I need her!" Rachel stomped and fell to the floor again. 

"Here, try this again." Parker threw some black dress at her. Rachel pulled herself up and ran into the bathroom. 

"Did you really look for something?" I asked Parker as I sent a quick text to Logan about a funny word I thought of. 

"Nope." She popped the 'p'. 

Rachel walked out and without looking Parker and I said, "yay. That's the one. You look amazing." In a monotone voice. 

Rachel banged her head against the wall, "you didn't even look." 

We glanced up, "it's the one." 

"You guys are horrible at this." 

I sighed, "Rachel sweety, I love you and everything but fuck! We've liked every dress you put on. Just pick one. Seb is going to think you look amazing in any dress." 

"Go in your birthday suit, I'm sure he'll love that one." Parker smirked. I barked out a laugh then covered my mouth sheepishly. Rachel growled out in frustration then gave up. 

"Fine, this one." Finally. "Or maybe this one?" We groaned. 

Parker shot up and raised her hands in the air, "I give up. I'm getting Jen." I rolled my eyes, "no, Parker she has three newborn babies that need her." 

"Rachel chose a dress or I'll chose one for you." Parker huffed. 

She tapped her chin, "this one" she grinned. 

"Okay, now. You're hair and makeup. You're on your own. We suck at that too." I shrugged. 

Rachel slammed her head on her desk. She's going to get a red mark on her forehead if she keeps doing that. 

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