Chapter 3: There's a reason I trust them."

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Okay so this one is a feather under the left boob. Black and greyish I guess. Above the feather are the words, "Take these broken wings and learn to fly" However if you do see the image then you see at the end of the feather it kind of fades into birds. I don't want that bit. So no birds. 

I am insane. Extremely. 

I can't believe I just ran away from my mate because I had to grade papers. He was just so close and so ... hot. 

I turned up the AC in the car. 

When I finally pulled into the driveway, I stormed through my door. 

I wasn't sure what was going through my mind right now. I can't believe I've found my mate. On the most unsuspecting day and time ever too. Should I tell everyone? I know for sure Parker and Jen would be ecstatic but what about Seb? The boys?

So this is where four PhD's get me? 

I assumed that everyone was still out so I just went to my room and plopped on my bed. Then my phone beeped.

We're heading back. I'm sorry for pushing you. -Jen

I sighed. Then there's that. 

I pulled the blankets over me and closed my eyes. Maybe this will all make more sense in the morning. 


"We're going to be late!" I yelled. I rushed to grab my bag with my necessities and a textbook. I chugged down my coffee and bagel. 

"I'm coming!" I heard Seb yell. I started making my way to the door, "lock it on your way out. I'll be in the car! Hurry!" I walked out and began loading the car. 

"I'm in, let's go!" Seb instructed. I pulled out and tried my best to floor it to the school. I finished my coffee to the best of my ability while driving like a maniac.

"I'm eating your bagel, I didn't have time to get breakfast." He didn't even ask. 

"Sure, go on right ahead." I muttered. He rolled his eyes. 

"Hey there's a party this Friday, the guys and I can go right?" He asked with food still in his mouth. I took the last sip and placed the mug away to take down later. 

"Sure, just give me the address just in case." They've gotten drunk before and I've had to pick them up. But they know the consequences of that. 

"Awesome." He smiled. I parked and grabbed my things as did Seb. 

"How much time?" I asked him as we both rushed across the empty yard. 

"Negative five minutes." He said alarmed and grabbed my bag so we could run faster. 

"Second day of school and I'm going to get fired!" I cried out. 

We burst through the door to see all thirty two students staring back at me. 

"Dr. Lancaster, can I speak to you for a moment." The headmaster said. I smiled politely and nodded. I placed my bags down and followed him out to the hall. 

"Madison, your late." 

"I know, I'm sorry. I was up half the night tossing and turning. I'm sorry, usually I'm always on time to my classes. I'll try not to let it happen again." I assured him. He stared at me before softening up then walk away. 

I sighed and entered my classroom. 

I thinned my lips and shook my head, "caught by the man." Everyone laughed. 

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