L-Chapter 2: So I Turned Around And Went Home

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So this tattoo is perfect. With thin cursive and delicate writing it says, "Not all those who wonder are lost" It's on the left upper thigh. 

I pulled over to the side of the road. I got out and faced the deep forest. I had driven to the edge of my pack's territory, I hated running into people while in wolf form, I was different than most wolves. 

I walked in and shifted. In a blink of an eye I was in my wolf form. My red, waist length, wavy hair changed into a pure white coat and my dark brown eyes into deep red eyes swirling with black then I pushed myself into a run. 

I jumped over fallen trees and dodged unsuspecting critters. I slowed to a stop when I came across a river. I went to take a sip from it but then froze and stared at the other side. 

 Another wolf had appeared. Almost my exact opposite. 

Pure black fur and blue eyes. He was bigger than me. He held an aura of strength but not from being an Alpha, from being a born leader. I didn't know how I knew this, but I did. 

He growled at me so I stepped back. He saw that I stepped back and growled again. 

What the hell did he want me to do? I'm too close, he growls. I step back, he growls. 

I've always been the academic type never the warrior. Usually in this situation, history says the male takes the leap forward. 

But, did I want him too?

I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed he was already in front of me. His piercing blue eyes scanned me. But he didn't bare his canines or growl at me again. 

I was frozen in place, he bent and sniffed my neck. 


My heart raced. My mouth went dry. My paws clawed at the ground. Then, I ran. 

I raced back to my car, don't ask me why I ran but I did. I heard a thundering roar from behind me. I tumbled to the floor in a crumpled heap but didn't feel any pain and landed with my mate on top of me. 

My wolf growled at me for running away from our mate. But I panicked! She huffed and I unintentionally I shifted back into my human form under him. 

(A/N in my story they all can shift with their clothes on, it doesn't tear away.)

Logan's View: 

I woke up this morning in an incredible mood. 

For once. 

I hated mornings but today, I got up and was actually looking forward to today which was strange since nothing was out of the ordinary.

I threw off my covers and stumbled over to the shower. 

After getting ready I spent the morning in my kitchen actually making my breakfast, I usually never had time to make something but I woke early today. I sat down and enjoyed my pancakes peacefully until Mason came bursting into my apartment. 

"Logan! Get up already man!" He huffed and waddled up and over to my bedroom completely ignoring that I was in the kitchen. 

"Logan?" He asked.  Idiot. 

He walked out then down the stairs and then finally saw me in the kitchen finishing my pancakes. "Dude, your up?" 

I shrugged, "I woke up in a good mood." I stood up and put the dishes in the sink and let them soak there until later. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and shoved Mason out the door. Making the trip to my car. He was quiet on the elevator ride down but when we finally got in and started driving he had to start up again. 

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