Chapter 28: Bastard Better Not Impregnate Me Again.

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Alan Rickman as Lorenzo Botanini the third. 

Madison's view

So not the best time, baby. I groaned as another contraction racked through my body. 

"Madison, are you being serious this time?" Seb asked. 

I growled, "yes I'm being serious! Get me to a hospital!" I called as I grabbed my belly and waddled back to the exit. 

Suddenly we heard someone cry, Logan and I turned around to see Elizabeth wake up and panic at us leaving. Her eyes frantically zipped between the two of us and she stretched out her arms. 

"Michael, Parker let's go." Logan said and picked me up bridal style. We were all in the car on our way to the hospital as I did the whole 'Hee-Hoo' breathing thing. 

Doesn't work. 

We finally got to the hospital and Logan was at my side in no time. He didn't waste time in helping me, he picked me up and lead us to the hospital Emergency entrance.

I didn't hear them as they talked, I shut my eyes and gripped onto Logan's hand as another wave came through. I was set down on a gurney and wheeled away. I opened my eyes to see Logan still me holding my hand. 

I laughed through the pain, "how does my hair look?" 

He smiled, "almost as beautiful as you." 

I shoved my head back and breathed through the contraction, "you lieing bastard." 

We came to a room and I was transferred over by Logan. Soon Michael and Parker came in with Elizabeth and our go bag. 

"See you future, Parker?" I laughed. 

She scoffed, "I can handle pain way better than you." She walked to me and held my hand. 

A nurse came in, "do you want some Epidural? This is the only time I can administer it." She warned me. 

I shook my head, "no way, oh natural. That's me." I gave her smile then a grunt. 

"Take the damn thing, Maddy." Parker shook her head. 

"No," I shook my head determined. 

"Stubborn woman," She muttered. Or that, I'm also that. 

"Why you hurt?" Elizabeth squeaked. 

My eyes snapped to her, "I'm not hurt, hunny. I'm just... really excited for something." 


"I'm having a baby." I smiled. 

Her face twisted in confusion in the most adorable way possible. "How?" 

"Well, it's complicated but I'll love him and protect him and that's all that matters." I told her. 

"Does that make you a mommy?" She asked. 

"I guess so, yeah." I smiled, completely forgetting about the pain now. 

"Does that make you my mommy, too?" She asked as she wanted to be set down from Michael's arms for the first time. I saw her walk around the bed so I looked up at Logan, Parker, and Michael. How was I supposed to answer that?

She pulled on Logan's shirt and he bent down to pick her up. He looked at her, "why'd did you come to us in the park?" He asked. 

"Love." She said simply as she placed her head on his shoulder. 

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