L-Chapter 20: "Why do you have glitter all over you?"

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I introduce Sebastion Lancaster played by Zac Efron.

I was suddenly pulled upright and shoved around. "What the f-" I cursed. They put a sash across my body and a plastic crown on my head.

"Guys, I'm in Logan's boxers and his shirt. I'm not going anywhere." I shook my head and turning back to the bed.

"Logan's out in only his boxers, that's what makes this more fun." Parker pulled me back and grabbed my wrists. She moved behind me and pulled them to my back and then she hand cuffed me.

She hand cuffed me!

"I borrowed them from Michael." I looked over my shoulder to see her smirk.

Beth grabbed my upper arm and Parker the other. Jen and Rachel led in front of us as we walked out of the room and made our way out of the castle.

I'd like to think I put up somewhat of a fight.

I quirked my eyebrow at them when I saw a party bus on the castle grounds. What the heck were they planning. I looked around to see Mason, Michael and the boys trying to shove Logan into their own party bus. My eyes widened when I saw strippers on both of our buses.

Oh hell no.

I dug my heals into the ground and tried my best not to go on the bus. "I am not going any where near that bus!" I yelled. Logan looked over at me when I saw him.

I sighed when I realized that he was trying to tell me we should just get it over with. I pouted when knew he was right.

"Jen, I swear to the Alphaking! Any male touches her and I'll kill them!" Logan roared before willingly getting on the bus.

Jen just shrugged, "I'm okay with that."

Oh my Alphaking.

As soon as I got in, with the handcuffs still restraining my hands behind me, I was sat down and was given a drink but nonalcoholic.

"We want you to be completely sober for this." Parker smirked at me while sipping on a beer. I groaned and threw my head back. Suddenly a stripper started giving me a lap dance.

I leaned back in surprise and thinned my lips looking away. "Okay, so this is happening." Jen started laughing hysterically while tipping back a can of Arizona.

"Let's get the show on the road!" Beth hollered at the driver who was a middle aged woman with growing gray hair. Human. 

I laughed when the guy went to go back to the pole after I refused to look in his direction and couldn't stop laughing. I looked around to see the Beth was giving directions to the woman driver, Rachel was off to the side texting and smiling to herself, Jen was hollering at the man dancing on the poll along with Parker.

"Are we done with the night yet?" I asked no one in particular.

"No!" They all shouted.

I muttered under my breath, "I hate you all."

Before I knew it, we stopped. Jen told the guy that we were going to be a while so he could just hang out and keep warm until later. Whatever the hell that meant.

"Alright, first trip of the night! Food!" Jen hollered and waddled into the fast food place first.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind hoping that we'd end the night after this. Of course, it wouldn't happen. We walked in and was met with curious faces all around the restaurant. Jen skipped over to the cashier and ordered,

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