Chapter 9: Finally, I Have My Afternoons Back.

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So this tattoo is of the elements. The four elements and Aristotle's fifth: earth, water, fire, air, and aether (stars+universe) Then the quote under the symbols translate to "there is no easy way from the earth to the stars" This is actually going to wrap around the lower right thigh. The symbols and writing under is more spaced out so it wraps around fully. 

Oh shit. 

Did I do that? I looked at the other faces in the room and by their expressions, I think I did. 

I clapped again and everyone flinched. Huh. 

I was about to clap again but then Logan grabbed onto my wrists, "I don't think we should try again, love." 

I pulled my mouth to the side, "what about this." I grinned and shut my eyes. 

Come on, you've got this.

I pictured everything that broke returning to its original state. When I opened my eyes, nothing. 

"Well shit, I thought that was going to work." I frowned. 

"What the fuck!" Jen screamed. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Sorry, a few freaky things have been happening to us lately and we just keep riding it off as a freak thing." I shrugged then faced then all. 

"I guess we should start taking this more serious." Logan let go of my wrists. 

"I think so!" Jen yelled as if it was the most obvious thing. 

But I shook my head, "we need to focus on the kids first when this is all over we'll focus on the whole..." I didn't have a word for what these 'abilities' were. 

"Incidents." Logan inputted. I nodded, sure let's go with that. 

"There isn't much we can do until the trial." Mason said. 

I thought for a minute, "I have to move back." 

I heard Logan growl but still kept my train of thought. "Think about it Logan," I started but frowned when I saw everyone in a frozen scared state, "if I move back the rogues that attacked might come back and when they do we can capture and question them." I grinned. 

Perfect idea. 

"That's a horrible idea! I am not risking you and the boys's safety just to have a few questions answered." Logan growled again his eyes started swirling with black more than usual that is. 

"Don't be ridiculous, I am not risking the boys's safety. They're staying here, I'm going to stay there. And hey if a month or so passes then we'll move back." I cheered thinking of the perfect plan. 

"Madison, I'm not saying this again. You are not going to be bait." He growled. 

"But that's the only way." 

"There's always another way." he growled lowly, I hadn't noticed but he was getting closer to me. His breathing was ragged and his chest rose with each breath. 

I glanced to the side to see the scared faces. When I looked back at Logan, his back was to me and his hands hooked at the back of his neck trying to calm down. 

 I walked up to Logan and placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned around gently. He was on the edge, his inner beast wanted out. He was angry that I was so willing to put myself in harm's way without thinking how it would affect him. Logan and his wolf were so hurt but angry at the same time. I thought for a minute. 

I looked back to everyone else, "we'll be back. Look after the boys for us." I smiled at them. 

When I looked back at Logan I said, "verum in domum suam." Then when I blinked, we were in a beautiful clearing. Far from our home in Oregon that was for sure. 

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