Chapter 4: "I Have To Be Up By Seven So Wake Me-"

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Okay so this one I am changing, but only the position of it. I'm putting it more on the back but still on the side. Kind of where the body begins to curve. Still  it's in the typewriter font saying "she believe she could so she did." 

After much reluctance from the guys and Jen. Our mates left. Surprisingly the boys were upset that Rachel had to leave too, mostly Seb. But we did however set up a day tomorrow were Rachel would spend the day with us and the boys with the guys. 

It was Logan's idea. 

The amount of adoration and awe I had for the man had gone up a million levels after he proposed the idea. 

Everyone had gone to their respective homes. When I had first started looking for a house for Seb and I, I saw this one and fell in love. Because it had enough rooms for all of us without being unreasonably priced. All of them were ecstatic when I told them that if they wanted to they could now live with Seb and I. They immediately jumped with joy. It's been great.

I tip toed downstairs for a midnight snack. I've been having a hard time sleeping since last night. 

I sleepily looked through my fridge when I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of an unsuspecting voice coming from behind me, "what are you doing up?" I whipped around to see Seb rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

I took deep breathes to calm my breathing and settled for grapes. "I couldn't sleep. You?" 

He took a handful, "Damien and Jamie are still up playing video games. There maybe a wall but I can still hear every gunshot being fired." He yawned. 

I laughed wryly, "remind me again how you convinced that game was a good idea." 

He laughed. 

"It's been awhile. Just you and me." I said as I threw a grape up and caught it. He followed and shrugged at me. 

"I guess your right but a lot's happened." 

"You still my brother first." 

"I know Madison. You tell me that every time you think your neglecting me or something but in reality I'm thanking the AlphaKing you finally have someone else to smother." He grinned. 

I scoffed and smacked his head, "Ow!" He yelled. 

"You little shit!" I shook my head at him, "this is what I get for being awesome then I'll happily return it and be stern with you." 

He laughed and grabbed more grapes, "I don't remember hearing anyone call you awesome." I rolled my eyes, letting the subject go. 

I waited a moment before asking him, "so your okay with everything that's happening?" 

"Yes, Maddy. More than okay. You deserve someone, after everything you've done I think Logan's good for you." He shrugged. 

"I'm glad you approve." I grinned cheekily. 

"I didn't say that, I still have to do that whole overprotective brother bit but not without the guys because let's face it, Logan's huge." His eyes widened. I broke out into a fit of laughter. Tears formed and I hunched over. 

"That's amazing." I sobered up, "you guys do that." 

"I should get to sleep, we have school tomorrow." He hinted to me silently wanting me to go upstairs as well. He was concerned, I knew that but he'd never admit it. 

"Yeah, I should head up too but first." I smirked. He looked at me with a confused expression but that soon turned into a smirk knowing what I was thinking. 

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