Chapter 10: Another Shot Glass Was Pushed In My Face.

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I love this one. So it's how I want it but placed going up the left calf, starting as the back of the ankle. 

"For the love of everything edible! Madison! Get out of the kitchen!" Jen yelled at me. Then Parker pushed me out. 

I kept a straight face but inside I was laughing so hard. We were all hanging out in Logan's penthouse apartment making dinner. Well the adults, excluding me, were making lasagna. 

I tried to help, I really did. Just don't ask me how I was able to burn sauce. Jen, completely frustrated with me, kicked me out of the kitchen because after burning the sauce I spilled it all over myself and splattered anyone near me. I couldn't stop laughing and neither could Logan but everyone else was fuming. That just made me laugh harder.

I made my way upstairs to change because I was not going to continue the day caked in chunky tomato sauce. 

After changing into another pair of jeans and one of Logan's T-shirts I went back stairs. Logan never seemed to object to me wearing his clothes so I kept putting them on. 

I stopped by the second floor filled with the teenagers' screaming for what? Don't know. 

I stood at the doorway and watched them. Seb had Liam in a headlock. Jamie and Tommy were busy shoving each other to mess up their gaming. Rachel and Damien were off to the side arguing about utilitarianism vs. universal-ism. 

What an odd bunch. 

Rachel did a double take when she first glanced at me. A smile spread across her features, "hey, Maddy." 

I chuckled and walked in a little deeper, "hey guys, what are you all up to?" I asked. 

"Nothing much." Tommy shrugged but pushed Jamie of the couch none the less. 

I rolled my eyes at their immature behavior. "Have you kids finished your homework?" I asked. 

A chorus of yes's and yup's, gaming noises, and Seb and Liam's grunts were all that were heard. 

"So boys, your turning eighteen in a few weeks. What do you want to do?" I cocked my head and looked at them. Everyone stopped and turned to me. 

"Who are you talking to?" Rachel asked curious.

"Seb, Liam, and Tommy of course. This year their birthdays falls on the same week." 

"Your guys's birthday is coming up?" Rachel beamed. I laughed and nodded. 

"When I was younger and Seb was still in our mom's stomach I always thought she was going to give birth to a troll or some monster because it was on Halloween day that she gave birth to him." I laughed but he just rolled his eyes. 

"Really?" She persisted. 

I smirked at her and then Seb, I quirked up my eyebrow, "wanna do something special for my baby bro?" 

She didn't seem to get the joke, "of course, you only turn eighteen once." 

I kept the smirk, "right, your so right. Eighteen is big for werewolves; you get your true eye color, your fully matured, and you're able to find your mate." I looked between the two of them and watched like I had popcorn. 

Seb glared at me as my grin widened while Rachel blushed and hid behind her hair. "So do you think you'll find her right off the bat, Seb?" 

The boys were snickering to the sides and watched as I tormented the two teens who were obviously falling for each other. 

"I'm going to kill you, Maddy." 

"Over my dead body, kid." I heard a deep masculine voice growl. I looked up to see Logan crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at everything in the room other than me. I suppressed the chuckle. 

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