Chapter 21: Best Wedding Ever

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Taylor Lautner as Liam

To say I was nervous was an understatement. Well, I wasn't so much nervous as shakily excited. I had never thought this day would come. In the mornings when all five of the boys would wake me up by bursting into my room and jumping on my bed, I thought that was it. It was going to be me, Seb, Tommy, Jamie, Damien, and Liam forever and I was okay with that.

When we had just moved in together years ago, we started this unspoken ritual of eating cereal together Saturday mornings and just watch whatever what was on. We didn't really care what was playing because we didn't pay attention to the tv we were too busy laughing and messing around. It was us, our little family. We loved it.

Now, our family grew in the span of four months. It's still expecting to grow actually. We spend our Saturday mornings padding down the halls of the castle and making our way to the dining hall. We all take our seats at the long oak table, which we now have to get a bigger one considering Jen's kids are coming soon. We're all in our pajamas and making those half-assed 'good morning' greetings to each other because it's still too early. Then the food is served and we eat silently but at the same time we're waking up and becoming more aware.

Then we brake into fits of laughter, the occasional stern lectures, the to-do lists. But it's the little things that we all notice. Michael cracks a smile, Parker sneakily throws a blueberry at one of the boys, Jen and Mason just being calm and talking about baby plans with Beth and Erik. Logan and I look at everyone at our table in silence. We don't need to save it in our memories, we don't take a picture, we don't comment on it.

Because what used to be just Saturday mornings is now every morning.

Each of our little families have grown and I for one would never have thought this would happen. And I'm extremely grateful. It was the little things and the big things that have changed for us that made this possible. Through the good and the bad, we all stood by each other. It wasn't easy, I'll admit that but now we know for a fact we are all in this together and I think today just solidifies that.

Sure today is about Logan and I and everything we've been through. But it's a day of show and tell. Showing we are unified, we aren't just in sync with each other but with our families, with our culture, with our people, with all people. Telling everyone we are ready for the world as long as we stand together.

So like I said, those quiet Saturday mornings with the boys and I were perfect, they were happy. And when I used to sit with a bowl full of Captain Crunch cereal and try to give Jamie a wet willie, I'd never thought a day like this would come. I'd never dreamed of a bigger family, a lifestyle like this, something ..more. Now that I'm living this moment and I'm seconds away from saying forever, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wouldn't dare change anything. And I would repeat it all just to get to this moment, standing in front of the love of my live. Being minutes away from becoming Mrs. Madison Ryder. I look at him and I can't help but laugh a little. He's handsome as ever, his deep chocolate eyes are swimming with not only the ever present lust but also adoration, love, and promises. He's fidgeting a little and because I know him so well it's because he's itching to kiss me.

I listen to his vows with amazement and slight humor. And I think that I can't imagine a life without him anymore. It's impossible, it's unlivable.

A world without the way his lips move into that undeniable sexy smirk, when he crosses his arms to look intimidating, his need to check on the boys, how his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, how he sighs in mock disinterest, how he thinks he has to carry the weight on his shoulders, how he always has to save everyone, how he cares for everyone but never lets it show because he has to protect them from his enemies first.

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