L-Chapter 23: Jackass.

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Miles Teller as Jamie White

Logan's view: 

We didn't have time to deal with the boys they were being childish. They decided that until we liked their mates that they wouldn't be apart of the royal court. So we went to meet the rulers without them. 

Parker and Michael had come along with us while Mason and Jen stayed back at the castle since Mason still hadn't gotten a handle on being a newborn father just yet. 

We flew on one of my private jets to the the first Rulers we were going to see together. Landing in the Atlanta Airport we were surprised to see that the Supernatural Ruler here sent us his personal car to take us to his castle in Stone Mountain. 

I held Madison close to me with an extreme sense of possession. "Logan, everything is going to be fine. We came here to introduce ourselves and hopefully get the approved notion from them." 

I growled lowly, "I hate having to ask other for permission to lead our own people. Don't the Elders understand that we were chosen for this. If anyone else were to be put into power, they'd fail." 

"Yes, but they have some experience. Perhaps now is also the time to gain some allies." 

I nodded slowly, "yes and maybe bury the millennium old war between us." She nodded. I looked down at my beautiful mate. "I want you to stay close to me." 

She smiled and shook her head, "Logan, they aren't going to do anything and it's silly to assume that just because they're vampires that they would." 

"No, it's because he's a male. Hell I don't care if he's an Elder. Stay with me" 

She turned her body to me and grinned, "oh the wonderful perks of being pregnant." She said sarcastically. 

Then the car stopped, we all looked at each other and took a deep breath. Michael and Parker were the first to get out then Madison and I. Their castle was large, similar to ours but it was wedged into the mountain which made it look that more grim looking to most people. Not us. 

Madison smiled next to me, "what a pretty castle." 

As we were lead to the front entrance the door opened with a groan. Behind the large doors were Teutorigos and Zamara, the King and newly pronounced Queen of Vampires. 

They stood together with Teutorigos's hand wrapped possessively around Zamara's waist. The King, Teutuorigos, was similar in my height, he was lean but had less muscles than me. But I knew that did nothing to hide the pure strength he had, it was his immorality and agelessness that hid his raw strength. He held a tall, confident, yet dark presence so I knew I had to be wary. His queen, from one sniff I knew was pregnant as well, she looked extremely similar to Jen. 


That's when Parker leaned in, "does anyone else notice the uncanny resemblance to Jen?" Madison nodded still staring at the Queen. 

The King of Vampires and I just stood there glaring at each other. No one moved, no one said a word. 

"Welcome," I heard Zamara say, I look over to see her smile but then squeak. She suddenly turned around and swung her arm to hit Teutorigos on the chest, "Stahp." 

Madison chuckled, "so I see we both have a handle on the testosterone species we call men." 

With a grunt and a deep voice Teutorigos said, "follow me." He quickly turned with Zamara in his hand and lead us into the castle. As we followed, Madison gazed at everything around her. We went through the halls without a word and finally walked into a room with a long table and chair lining it. Lanterns lit the room up, a chandelier overheard with candles, and most everything resembled that out of a medieval movie. 

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