N i n e t e e n : P u p p y / Scott

Start from the beginning

He nodded his head, kneeling and then coming back down holding it out to me. I took Milo, pulling him to my chest. I hugged it until I fell asleep.



I had never felt so furious in my life.

Watching someone I'd built up crumble down into a lower state than what I'd received him in. Connor Briggs was nothing but an asswipe. A self-involves, pretentious jerk with no regard to anyone but himself.

No one with a heart could hurt someone as pure, innocent and sweet as Puppy.

My back started to cramp from the position I was in by the time he finally dozed off. I all but dislocated my shoulder sliding him out from under the bed and bringing him to his bed. He moaned softly as I tucked him in.

He cracked open a weary blue eye. "What did I do so bad?" He murmured. "Cos bad things keep happening."

He closed his eyes and rolled over in his stuffed animals. I stood hesitantly and left the room. My mind was reeling. I ought to go over there and kick his rich ass.

I sighed heavily. That wouldn't solve anything.

I took a shower and got into my own bed. With a worried mind I managed to fall asleep.


The next morning I got up and checked on Puppy.

He was still fast asleep so I closed the blinds and shut the door. He deserved to sleep in as late as he wanted. I made his oatmeal, putting cling wrap on top and placing it on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

I was still unbelievably pissed at Connor from last night.

I needed to vent.

I was relieved to find Kyle giving Bailey a playful push in yard in front of the building. Right. Today Bailey worked. "You can go start your usual barn duties."

Bailey smiled and all but slipped to do so. "He seems happy." I commented.

"He is. His brother invited us to dinner last night and...normally, well, that answers no, but he was excited to share the news and we had some extra money--thank you again--so we went." He smiled. "I think he really missed them."

"So dinner went well then?"

"As good as it could have. Although he always pulls this little stunt that pisses me off. The meal came with a side--fries or a salad. He wanted the salad. I asked him three times if he was sure. I got fries. Food comes and guess who's taking fries off my plate?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Puppy did the same thing with noodles."

Kyle just shook his head. "I hate that shit though. He always takes the little crispy ones too. Cos apparently I 'don't like them'. I do." He sighed. "Are you alright?"

I laughed humorlessly. "No actually. Last night Puppy got the news."

"He took it poorly than?"

"Yes. But I got him calmed down and he was all worried about Connor being lonely. So I offered to call him."

"Oh Jesus."

"He was fucking plastered." I hissed. "He called him slow and stupid."

Kyle shook his head. "He's such a dick."

"It destroyed him. He cried all night. He wedged himself under the bed and I had to wait until he fell asleep to move him."

"Someone ought to put that man in his place."

I nodded my head. "I called him out on being drunk and told me to 'fuck my little retard and get over it'."

Kyle stared at me. "He called Puppy a--"

"Retard. Yeah."

"Did he hear?"

"I left the room so I don't think so. But I just can't understand how anyone could be around someone so cold and arrogant. And it's obvious how highly Puppy considers his praise or lack thereof." I ran my hands through my hair. "I'm sorry but it just... I wish Puppy didn't care so much. But the fact that he does makes me love him all the more."

Kyle nodded his head. "Puppy's a good boy. And a good influence on Bailey."

"He told him he'd always be his 'stupid little Puppy'." I sighed heavily.

Kyle looked at me. "Sounds like Puppy needs to stop being Connor's stupid little Puppy and be your smart little...something else. Does that make sense?"

I stared at him. It was so obvious. Puppy associated his identity with Connor and the failure that came with their relationship. He assumed he could only be as good as that Puppy.

Connor's stupid little Puppy.

He wasn't anymore and he needed to understand it so he could rise above it.

He could be my clever little Charlie.

I just needed to figure out how to pull Charlie out of a damage Puppy. He needed to shed the self image he had of himself as Puppy.

QOTC: Who else hates Connor right now? ALSO was this explained right? Did you understand?

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