Twenty-Seven; Anger

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            Taylor had forgotten about the minor occurrence back at the airport once we got in the car. She started talking to everyone and getting to know Niall and Zayn. I had noticed that Liam and Zayn were a bit awkward around each other which I had found amusing. Louis was silent the whole ride, only giving me swift glances here and there. Sometimes, we would make complete eye contact in which I furrowed my eyebrows in a questioning manner. He just sighed and looked back out the window.

I was a bit irritable because my main reason to go back to the UK was to see Louis and there he was, barely talking. I was confused as to why he was so quite. All that happened was a misunderstanding of him thinking that I was dating her. But even that, I didn't understand why he would be upset if I was dating her.

We had all gotten back to my place where my Mom and Gemma awaited for all of us with a very large dinner. You see, my family loved to cook. We cooked constantly, always trying to make other's fat.

We had all sat down and only then did Louis begin to talk. But when he did, it was only to insult Taylor somehow. "It is so great to get to know you both." Taylor had said to my family. Louis had rolled his eyes.

"Oh, it is so great to get to know you both. Kiss-up." He had muttered under his breath in which I was the only one to hear it. I instantly had gotten upset at him mocking Taylor like that. He insulted or mocked her constantly through the dinner and I couldn't help but get angrier.

"Harry, do you think you could show me around the neighborhood at all this week?" Taylor had asked very flirtatiously.

"Oh, that's not the only thing you'd want him to show you." Louis had said, louder than the other mockeries. Right then, I exploded.

"Louis, will you shut up!" I had whispered intimidatingly. Everyone looked at me and had open mouths. They never saw me get angry. Yes, I got emotional and upset but that wasn't being angry. I always kept my composure.

"I will when she does." He had said back, pointing to Taylor. "It's all 'oh Harry this' and 'oh Harry that'. Like we get it, you want to get in his pants." he said turning towards Taylor. It was so embarrassing because here all my friends were and my Mom. It was a good thing my Mom wasn't so uptight otherwise she would have probably kicked Louis out by then.

"LOUIS!" I shouted. Everyone's eyes widend except for Louis'. That's one thing about Louis. He never looked like he was surprised when I did something. He just accepted that it was something I was doing and he didn't re act to it in a surprised manner. He always knew I could get angry, even though no one else did. 

"Harry." he stated. I grabbed his arm and brought him up, heading towards the front door. I had heard Taylor call something but my ears were so clogged with anger that I couldn't hear anything but Louis. 

I tried hard not to hurt him because I could never hurt Louis but I was very able to tell him off when he was in the wrong. And in the situation, he most definitely was. He pulled his arm away from my grasp once we got outside but I knew he wasn't in any pain. 

"Dude, what the fuck?" I said to him. His eyes widened and he stepped back away from me with a look of offense. 

"I'm a dude to you now? I'm just another one of your 'dudes' or 'bros' or just another friend? Wow, and here I was thinking that we were more than that."  he had said to me. I saw tears i his eyes and I knew he was hurt. I instantly felt guilty about being so harsh on him when I should've talked to him first before making a scene. 

"I'm sorry." 

"I'm sorry." 

We had both smiled with tears in our eyes for saying it at the same time. "We're a hot mess, the two of us together." 

"No amazing relationship is ever perfect." he had said to me. I nodded and then pulled him into a hug. 

"So why were you so upset with Taylor?" I had asked after we both calmed down. He sighed into my arms and then pulled me to the porch bench. He leaned on my shoulder as he gathered his words. This was another of may things I loved about Louis. He would think about his words careful when he knew they would be important. A lot of people I knew would say whatever they want, despite the importance of their words. 

"Imagine being in a  field of dead grass. There's no life around you and you're alone. You're trapped there and there's no way out. No one can help you and you're unhappy, empty. After years of searching for a way out or a bit of happiness in the dead field, you find a seed. A seed full of hope. The seed gives you hope and you hold on to it. As the seed grows, so does your hope of escaping. But then, imagine that seed, now plant, being taken away from you. You know what happens without the plant?" he had said to me. I frowned and nodded, understanding what he meant by this analogy. "Any of chance of escaping is gone. And you're back right where you started. In a dead field." 

We paused and I had felt as if all the anger I had that night seeped out of me, leaving only the need I had for Louis. I needed Louis so much at that time. I had turned to him and look right at his lips that were slightly parted and moving slowly by his soft breaths escaping them. 

Without realizing what I was doing at the time, I leaned in and so did he. It looked like we were going to kiss and we probably were until I moved my head to the side where his shoulder was, resting my chin on it and engulfing him in a  hug. 

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