[Saga 2] Thirteen; Alone

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School started again. I went to my regular classes. And I hung out with Niall. I had also met this guy who at first was kind of scary to me but I realized he was a real softie. His name was Zayn. He didn't talk that much and most of the time, it seemed like he just wanted to be anywhere than where he was but other than that, he was a pretty good guy. The three of us hung out during lunch and in between classes. 

We ad started a tradition where we hung out after school on Friday. We would go to one of our houses, eat jun, watch movies and just talk about random stuff. I remember one time, we spent a solid hour talking about my hair. My hair had started getting a bit long. It was past my ears and looked even curlier than last year, which was weird. 

It was cool being at the top of everything. I had nice teachers and I even got a girlfriend. her name was Cara. She was absolutely gorgeous and quite hilarious, as well. I remember sometimes we would sit on my bed and we would just try to make each other laugh. me with my puns that people still say are bad but I don't believe them, and Cara just saying things. She could actually say anything like "apple" and it would be funny. 

Life was pretty good. 

But sometimes, when I was by myself and I was thinking too hard, Louis' face would flash through my brain and I would cry. I cried because I hadn't talked to him or seen him. I didn't know how he was doing or anything. And it made me sad. 

I had tried calling him but t would always go straight to voicemail. I once considered going right over to his University but I was stopped by Niall. 

"Niall! You don't understand. I have to go see him." I had said to him. it was late at night on a Friday. Zayn had been sick and couldn't hang out but Niall was at my house. My parents were away for the weekend so it was just us. I had a dream that Louis was in danger and that I couldn't save him. I woke up crying. Niall hadn't heard me so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to go to Doncaster and go see him. 

Louis had moved back to Doncaster to go to University. He had told me when he applied that he missed it. I didn't think much of it because he had also applied to one in Holmes Chapel. I thought he would just stay, but he didn't. 

I had packed my bags and was about to leave when Niall had grabbed my arm and pushed me to the floor to try and stop me. 

"NO! Harry, I get it. You miss him. But you have to trust that he is okay." Niall said to me, attempting to me. 

"How would you know? You don't know him like I do. For all I know, he could be hurt. I haven't talked to him in months, Niall. Months!" I screamed at him. I didn't want  to cry. But I did. 

"Harry, he is okay. He probably had a reason for not talking to you." Niall had winced at what he just said but didn't take it back. 

"What reason could he possibly have for not talking to his best friend?" I hissed the last part. I strangled again against him but Niall was pretty strong. And I was tired and exhausted, both mentally and physically so I really had no chance against him. 

I soon gave up. Niall and I breathed heavily. He let e stay there for a few moments before picking me up, allowing me to walk back up the stairs  and crawl into bed. 

I would have moments like these and no one else really knew about them but Niall. probably because he was the closest to me other than Louis but Louis wasn't there. 

It was strange. I knew I had friends. I was happy. And everything was good. Life was good. 

But if life was really good, I wouldn't have kept repeating it. Because in all honesty, at this time of my life, I had felt really, utterly alone. 

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