Eleven; Past

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Filler chapter but next one is going to be good!hectorection he helped me. Go follow him. 


After Christmas, nothing much happened. Louis had talked a lot more about his past and had definitely gotten a lot closer to me. He told me how his step father wanted him to be a football player and his mother would listen to whatever his step father said. His mother, Jay, was never too keen on music. However, she never told Louis why and to this, I am oblivious to. He figured it had something to do with his biological father, who he knew nothing about nor has ever met.

 However, at this time he didn't tell me anything else. I kept thinking about what else Louis was keeping from me. Not that he didn't have a right to, it was his privacy, but I wanted to know. I felt something inside of me that gave me the feeling that I should know. It made no sense, nor does it do now, but I had to find out more about the mystery of Louis. Like, why he moved to my small town in Holmes Chapel or why his parents seemed a bit stricter than the average. I remember when I had first met them, I was very intimidated. Though they were extremely nice people, I had gotten a sense that it was more of a cover up than a reality.

                  Louis' sisters were angels, though they were a bit shy at first. However, they were quite sassy afterwords, just like Louis. 

One time I asked Louis why he seemed to be so sassy. 

"I guess it's just a cover up from my sensitivity. Or it might just be me. Does it bother you?" he had told me. I had furrowed my eyebrows and shrugged. 

"Not really." I think it's adorable. 

But I would have never said that. 

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