[End of Saga 1] Twelve; Later

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Louis soon graduated. I wish I could say that it was a big thing because now he would go to University. I wish I could say I was happy and that I threw a big party for him with all of his friends but that didn't exactly happen. In fact, nothing happened really. 

The day of graduation, he was happy and smiling and I was too. He was in his gown with his cap on and he did this thing where he only wore his boxers under it which apparently his whole football team was doing. 

I didn't see the graduation because it only for parents and family friends. Also, there wasn't enough tickets for me to go but I saw pictures afterwards. 

After he came back from the graduation, we went to my house. Though were were extremely bored there and people kept saying that we were so grown up and my mom  and sister kept crying. Gemma, my sister kept repeating that I was growing to fast and to stop and she kept flirting with Louis, which was very awkward for the both of us. 

We sat on my bed side by side. We were staring up at the ceiling and thought he were peaceful. But taking one look at each other, we weren't. We weren't peaceful because we knew what was going to happen after that day. 

Louis would go off on his own and I would stay behind for another year. We were oblivious of what the future held for us. Were we sill going to be friends? Or would we drift apart. 

We didn't know. 

In a silent conversation between us, we decided to go outside for a walk. We stayed silent and neither of us dared to break it, too afraid of what would come next. We weren't ready to say goodbye. 

We kept walking until we made a stop at the park we first met. We didn't walk in past the gates. We just stared from the outside. 

"Louis?" I finally turned to him. 


"See you later?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, Hazza. Later." 

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