Twenty-Six; Reunite

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Authors Note: School is over! I'm done! I'm going to high school next year! Bye middle school losers! Anyway, I'll be updating a lot more since...I really have no life. Ever. it just shows more during the summer. 

It was close to break and I was meant to go home in a few days. I was so excited to see everyone again and catch up. Liam and Taylor were even going to come along with me back to Holms Chapel. I couldn't wait to properly introduce them to all of my friends and family, especially Louis. I was sure that once Louis met Taylor, he would instantly fall for her just like I did.

I had never told anyone, but I had secretly shipped the two together. It made so much sense at the time and I could see it as a book title; The Best Friend's Best Friend. It was one of my goals for the break to have them go out at least once.

How stupid I was, and like I said before, very naïve.

It's funny to think that at age 18, I was still so unaware of everything. It would have been expected of me to act like a regular adult who did adult like things instead of doing the things that I did at 18, which was ship my two best friends together and make a book title out of them.

The day that Taylor, Liam and I were supposed to leave, we were all in a hurry because we had had a huge slumber party bash thing at my place which caused us to sleep in 2 hours later than when we wanted to wake up. We had exactly an hour to pack up our things and get to the airport.

We thought that we could do one of those things from the movies where we rush and it seems like the scariest thing in the world with dramatic music playing in the background but still make it perfectly on time. We didn't succeed at this though because we missed our flight by 45 minutes due to stupid traffic and Liam's slow driving.

When we boarded at next flight, after paying another $150 just to get on it, we had a bit more drama added to our morning when a lady had seen Liam and me hugging in a friendly manner. I was nervous for the plane ride since I was never too fond of them, so Liam had comforted me just like any good best friend would. The lady next to us had gotten very angry.

"Will this behavior continue throughout the flight?" she had asked rudely. I had gotten very upset but Liam, knowing that I would most likely cause commotion, stepped in and settled things with her.

Well, he tried.

"Miss, I don't see what we are possibly doi-", Liam had said politely.

"You are sinning!" she spat. Liam's eyes widened and his polite demeanor vanished. He became like how I imagined him when I first met him. Scary, mean and not someone you would want to upset. I guessed I wasn't all that incorrect.

"Excuse you but there is no sinning in love. I don't know what Bible you were raised up on but for me, I know God would not want any person to act the way you're acting to two friends! But if I am wrong, I had no idea that comforting a friend when he is nervous is a sin. Please correct me if I am wrong. Or forever hold your peace and shut up."

She didn't speak. In fact, she went to the bathroom and I never saw her after that. She might have changed her seat or she might have fallen through the toilet hole into the sky. The world may never know. Much less, care.

When we got off, it was dark outside and 1 in the morning. Me and Liam were so tired though Taylor was jumping up and down because she slept the whole time while Liam and I were trying to fall asleep but couldn't because of her snoring.

As we got outside, the first thing I laid my eyes on were two sapphires looking right at me. Taylor and Liam were still talking absent mindedly while I started to sprint towards Louis. His eyes had widened when he realized what I was going to do. But he didn't move an inch, just opened his arms out to me as I jumped in them, having us both fall down with him backwards and me on top of him.

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