Fifteen; Birthday

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"So your're birthday...?" Niall asked me. I turned towards him raising my eyebrows. I didn't want to celebrate my 18th birthday and Niall knew that. But I also knew that he didn't want to listen to me. 

"No." I had said. It was childish but I didn't want to celebrate it without Louis. How could I possibly celebrate me aging one more year without him? It seemed strange and impossible to me so I came to the conclusion of just acting like it is another day of the year. 

Without Louis. 

Niall, being the pain he was, threw my a party anyway. And a big one at that. My house was filled with girls and guys from my school, some I didn't even recognize. I didn't even know how it happened really. I guess it started with Niall saying he was going to come over on a Friday with Zayn. Niall said he wanted some apple juice, randomist kid ever I swear, so I went and got some because he wouldn't stop whining if I hadn't. When I got back, a huge full blown out party had arrived to my house, leaving me confused and extremely annoyed. 

So I ditched it. 

I just walked around my area. It reminded me of when I had walked with Louis. It felt like so long ago, like centuries, but in reality it was just months ago. 

I wondered if he was okay. I had still thought about what Jay had said and that sob. I knew it was Louis' sob. There was something wrong. Terribly wrong. 

At one point of my walk, I had sat down at a curb. My long legs sprawled out and my arms fell limply to my sides. I felt like crying, pouring my heart out but instead I just sat with my head in my arms. 

"Louis." I said. I smiled. I missed Louis and saying his name made it feel like he was right there next to me. 

"Louis. Louis. Louis. Louis Tomlinson. Tomlinson Louis. Louis Styles." I said. I accidentally slipped up at the last part. My eyes widened and I shot up. I hadn't meant to say that. 

I breathed heavily and then shut my eyes. Louis. 


My eyes, once again, revealed their green orbs. I was too scared to turn towards the source of the voice. My first thought was that I went so crazy because of Louis' absence that I dreamnt him back to me. Maybe this whole thing was a dream. Maybe Louis never was real and I made him up. Maybe this never happened. 

Though, my ideas were proven wrong when I turned and Louis was there in all his natural glory. 

"Happy Birthday." 

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