Three; School

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A/N: Ohh! Tripple update! Don't you love me?? Yeah I know you do. 

I wasn't going to write about this since there is no importance in this part of our story. But I need this part for the parts I'm going to explain later. I need you to understand our full relationship; that includes school. 

However, this was a very boring part of our story because there was barely an contact with one another. Yet, this part is important. So, I will tell it because I need to ell the full story. Every last bit, even if it destroys me on the insides. 

Anyway, we were at school. It was the first day of school for him and I was pretty much, nervous and overall, terrified to see Louis again. We hadn't seen other since the day we met. Yes, we texted, but that was it. Nothing more. 

So, that day, I walked in to school, searching around like a lost puppy but for a lost boy. Louis was new to this place. He had only moved here the day he met me, I had learned. he had come from Doncaster for a reason that was unknown to me. When I asked him, he changed the subject, which I was absolutely fine with because he obviously didn't want to talk about it. I found out later what it was, after waiting. 

I went to my locker and was about to open it when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, excited, thinking it was Louis. It wasn't Louis, but Felicity. 

I tried to hold back a frown. Yes, Felicity and I kind of had a thing going on but I wanted Louis, as strange as that was. 

Felicity was smiling at me with a wide mouth full of white teeth. I looked at her and smiled hugely as well. It was weird but,ever since I met Louis, I felt dazed and always somewhere else. I couldn't wrap my head around it. 

"Hey, babe!" she said. I grinned, though it was fake. 

"Uh, hey...erm, Felicity." I muttered as she gave me a peck on the cheek. I smiled and then turned back around to face my locker. I sighed and opened it up to reveal my neatness of books and supplies. I always liked to be tidy and organized. If I wasn't, I'd most definitely go crazy. I'm still like that. 

I grabbed my books and turned around to see a frowning Felicity. "You're not into this as much as I am, are you?" she asked, almost knowingly. 

I sighed and then looked up at her eyes. I knew I shouldn't do this to her when my feelings were all confused. "I'm sorry, Felicity." I said, smiling sadly. She nodded. 

"It was fun for...the few days it lasted. But hey, contact me whenever. I'll always be ere for you because, you are still the sweetest boy I've ever met." she said with a wide smile. I nodded and then kissed her cheek, giving her a hug. 

"Well, I think you have a guest coming so, I'll talk to you later, Harry." she said, walking away towards her homeroom. I was confused at what she meant when saying I had a "guest". But when I went to walk towards my room, I bumped face in face with no other than Louis Tomlinson. 



We both shouted before falling back wards. Our bodies fell and we sighed. But, soon, we started to laugh. I find it interesting that, even laying on the floor in the middle of a school hallway, we were happy. 

"Guess we have to be more careful when around each other." Louis said, helping me up from the, quite filthy, floor. 

"Yeah. Um, agreed." I said and smiled back at him. We stared at each other for a while before the bell rang, making us snap out of our gazes which I realized later, were both longing ones. 

"So, maybe I'll see you later?" Louis asked walking backwards. 

"Yeah....oi! What's your lunch period?" I asked him hoping it was with mine. 


It wasn't.

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