Twenty; Drunk

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Warning: train and car and in need of Starbucks

The end to the year was close. Too close. I wanted to graduate. But then I didn't. I was afraid of what comes after. Where I would go. Who I would become. I didn't want to find out the hard way.

I had applied to several universities. However, most of them were out of the UK. I had even applied to NYU and Columbia in New York City. If I had gotten in and still wanted to go, my life would change forever. And I didn't know if I was ready for that.

Friday of the week that I was supposed to get acceptance letters, Louis came over. He had several bags full of things that I knew nothing about.

He had a grin on his face and an evil glimmer in his eyes. Just the expression he got when he knew he was doing something naughty.

"Louis Tomlinson, what are in those bags?" I asked him grabbing my house keys. We went outside and walked to the park. We went all the way to an edge of a large rock that overlooked the town. It was always a pretty spot.

"I got drinks." He said raising his eyebrows suggestively.

And that's when I knew he was drunk. He was drunk and he wanted to get more drunk.

"Louis why are you drunk? Ok! Put that down! Stop!" I said grabbing a new opened bottle out of his grasp. He looked towards me and seemed as if he was about to cry.

"Hazzabear! That's not fair! Hazzabear! I don't care!" He sang grabbing the bottle back and putting it to his pink lips. They had seemed really soft at that moment.

But I shook that out of my head and grabbed the bottle back.

"Come on Louis. This isn't good. I'm not going to tell your mom and I'm not going to ask you why when your sober. But I'm just asking you to stop DRINKING!" I screamed the last part.

Louis sighed in defeat. He then picked up the bag of the other drinks. I first thought that he was going to try taking another bottle, which I was prepared for. But I wasn't prepared for him to throw the whole bag off the rock and into the town.

We didn't hear the crash. We were already walking away, talking about my collage acceptance letters. I just didn't tell him that I applied to Universities, not in the UK.

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