Twenty-One; Letters

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Warning: on my phone and I'm tired cuz it's 9:20 (it's early but I'm weird and I usually go to bed earlier cuz I'm weird) and I'm supposed to be sleeping and I want Starbucks

I had gotten my acceptance letters a few days after Louis had come to my house drunk. I was worried at first. I didn't want to open them. I was nervous. And scared. And really, really, beyond petrified at what was in those white, crisp envelopes.

In truth, I probably wasn't going to open them. Ever. I most likely was going to leave them under my pillow case, say I didn't get accepted to any schools and become a gym teacher.

Though that probably wouldn't have worked out either since I was awful in gym class.

Zayn opened them. Not because he cared. Not because he knew what was in them. He was actually just bored when I was in the shower. And when Zayn was bored, he snooped. And when he snooped, he found unopened acceptance letters under his best friend's pillow, white and crumpled after being crushed so many times by said best friend's unusually large head.

If it was Niall, he wouldn't have opened them. He would've read what they are on the outside, maybe straighten them out a bit and then put them on my desk for me to open. It would have been a Niall thing to do which is the equivalent to the nice thing to do. You could never go wrong with Niall.

But Zayn, he's not Niall. So when I came out of the shower with my curls wet and long, my only reaction was to scream. And that's what I did. Because there Zayn was looking through all my letters, them being scattered on my bed, thoughtfully looking through each one.

I screamed. He looked up. I gathered the letters with closed eyes. He lifted an eyebrow. I shoved the letters in my desk drawer. He laughed and then said, "You got accepted to NYU, mate! How could you not have told me?"

And then I screamed some more.

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