Seventeen; Suspicion

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Warning again: I wrote this on the train on my very very tiny 5c iPhone. I'm getting the 7 though when it comes out because I had this phone for 3 years since 6th grade. I'm in 8th. I need an update. Just like you people are getting literally so much of this week because I literally have no life. My life is Larry.
Louis, at this time, didn't tell me why he left me. Nor did I ask. But of coarse, I did wonder. I even made fantasies of him telling me why he left. I came up with the melt bizarre things, none of which I remember, however.

It was strange at first. Niall had questioned it. He even told me that to really wasn't Louis and just and alien pretending to be him. That was Niall's way of saying that something was off. "People don't just leave and then come back again  after months." He stated.

"He didn't exactly leave. Well, he left me. But his family knew where he was." I argued back.

"And that's not strange to you? That he just up and left you for a reason unknown to you?" He said. I shrugged. He shook his head. He was done with the argument and I was done talking about it.

Though after a while, I really did become curious as to why he left. But I had no lead and I couldn't just ask Louis why. Whenever I faintly brought up the tools he would change the subject and I would shrug. But my suspicion only grew.

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