Four; Lunch

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I didn't see Louis very much. Other than mornings, sometimes. And after school, sometimes.

I don't know what either of us were expecting. Or, to be more honest, what I was expecting. Back then, Louis was just a bit interested in me in an acquaintance manner.

He just wanted to know someone in Holms Chapel. That didn't exactly mean he wanted much to do with me as a person.

However, we texted a lot. I would say "hi" and then he would respond "hi" and then I would ask "how was your day" and then he would respond "well" and that was the majority of our conversations that weren't even daily.

But one day, during lunch, I felt someone sit next to me. To say I was surprised at who it was would be an understatement because I was absolutely flabbergasted when I turned my head to see Louis.

What was strange was that, I didn't get the tingly rush of nerves that I usually got. I just felt happy like he was a friend I hadn't seen in a while. I smiled and he smiled back but then my eyes had widened.

"Why are you here?" I asked him. I didn't mean it in a way that I didn't want him there. More of a question as to why he was there because he wasn't supposed to be there but in his class.

"I can't eat lunch with a friend?" he asked in fake hurt with his right hand over his heart.

"Well, I mean..." I couldn't help but catch the friend part. "Wait! We're friends?!" I asked him with a newfound burst of energy. He looked at me from the side while picking up one of my chips and shoving it in his mouth. I was expecting him to respond but instead, he took another chip.

After a few more chips, he took a sip of my soda then put it down. I was beginning to get frustrated after he took a big bite of my burger when he finally spoke.

"Would you have just let me eat most of your food if we weren't?"

I remember that Louis used to always find a way to get what he wants but do it in a way that makes it seem like another person is benefiting from it, which in some or most cases, they did.

Yes, I lost the majority of my lunch, but! I was officially friends with Louis Tomlinson.

What more could a 16 year old Harry Styles ask for? 

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