"You're going to walk?" he asked while I put my Doc Martens on.

"Yeah, it's like a ten minute walk. I'll be fine." I promised. He handed me his credit card and opened the door for me.

"Just give my name and birthday. You know it right?"

"August 9th 1975?" I answered as if it were a question.

"Yeah, good job!" He smiled. "And you can get your things with the card."

"Thanks." He shut the door and I began to walk to the pharmacy. It wasn't too far away, just a couple of blocks down. Ten minutes seem like a long time but it's not. It was somewhat cryptic out. The moon was out and the sky was dark, wind was blowing and picking up its pace; I almost felt scared. I finally reached the pharmacy and headed in the back to pick up his things.

"Pick up." I told the man behind the counter.

"Name and last name?"

"Crossmen, Alan."

"Birthday?" he asked typing in his name.

"August 9th, 1975."

"One second." he smiled before going in the back to fetch it. I leaned against the counter, tapping my fingers against it while I waited.

"Crossmen." he read the label. "here you go." I grabbed the thin paper bag from his hand and began to walk down the aisle to leave until I noticed someone standing on the far side of me from the corner of my eyes. I looked and saw that it was Liam. He had band aides and rubbing alcohol in his hands, I'm assuming for his cuts and bruises. He also had some soda's and junk food as he looked through the cookie aisle. I began to panic and without making a sound I began to walk as fast as I could without someone questioning me. I decided to forget about my 'lady products' thinking it was too risky to go back in.

'Don't see me, don't see me, don't see me!" I thought when I saw his head at the top of the shelves while I walked. He turned to pay for his things and I basically ran out the store. I turned around to make sure he didn't see me and I sighed in relief. I stopped and caught my breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply. I noticed that my boot was untied and I bent down to re tie them. As I did, I heard a door slam loudly. I stood up and sharply turned around, only to see Liam looking directly at me. He stood in front of his trunk and just stayed there watching me. I quickly turned around and the fear began to spread through me. I started to walk normally, pretending that I didn't notice him. It was so quiet that I actually heard his footsteps from where I was, which was pretty far. I picked up my pace and out of instinct I turned around to see how close he was, and he was closer than I thought. My eyes widened as I walked faster and faster, hugging myself and breathing through my nose.

Than suddenly, I heard heavy breathing behind me. It can't be him. He couldn't have been that close to me within a few seconds. I don't know why but I slowed down. I put the small paper bag in my back pocket and the footsteps came louder. All I heard was his boots pressing against the concrete ground and echoing throughout the empty streets.

"Aleevonne?" Liam called out for me. His tone was serious and full of authority. He knew I was trying to avoid him so the frustration in his voice was noticable. I ignored him and continued walking, but knowing Liam he won't give up. Moments later I left a hand around my wrist and I was turned around.

"Why are you running from me?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows together in anger and curiosity.

"You're following me..." I told him stuttering and slowly but cautiously stepping back.

"Don't be scared of me, Alee. I'm not going to hurt you." Liam's tone in his voice made it obvious that he was lying. I hate that I scare easily and I hate that he knows that.

Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now