Chapter 21-Steadiness of my Hand

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yaay i updated!!!!!  im updating on the HHR fanfic soon guys, DO NOT PANIC.  lol well enough of my talking.

Chapter 21-Steadiness of My Hand

Ever since I started wearing makeup at 13, I was able to tell how nervous I was by the steadiness of my hand.  I always wore eyeliner, every single day.  I had a very steady hand. 

Whenever my eyeliner looked like crap, anyone that knew me well enough would be able to tell that I was having a fucking bad day.  I think I had like the steadiest hand of all my friends, whenever I was happy my eyeliner was just PERFECT. 

But when I was nervous, angry, or any other bad emotions, my hand would shake so badly that my eyeliner went on all wavy and crooked.  Today was one of those days.

As he walked in and just fucking SMILED at me I grabbed Clarke's arm.

"What are YOU doing here?" I asked in such a venomous voice I swear I spat poison.

"I'm going to COLLEGE here," Andrew said, smirking.

"Aw HELL no!" Clarke shouted, standing up so quickly that he nearly knocked me over.  "You are NOT going to stalk her again.  She got RID OF YOU ALL OF THESE FUCKING YEARS!"

"Clarke, calm the fuck down," I murmured as I stepped in front of him.

I stared at Andrew coolly, but on the inside my stomach was twisting itself into knots.  All I wanted to do was run in the opposite direction.  Really, I considered it.

"Leave me.  The fuck.  ALONE!" I said, screaming the last part so loud that other people who were filing in gave me strange glances.

Hey, cancerous chick screaming at a hot dude, nothing out of the ordinary, here!!  WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT?

"Nope," Andrew simply stated, popping the p.  Oooh I just wanted to castrate him right now.

"If you don't then I'm gonna castrate you in your sleep," I said, narrowing my eyes.  I heard Clarke's soft chuckle behind me, and was that fear flickering through Andrew's eyes?

He knew how dangerous I was.  I had slapped him so hard once that I had broken his cheek bone.  I had cut all of his hair off with scissors in his sleep.  I had given him two black eyes at once.  I had seriously hurt this kid, and I had never once felt bad.

"Yeah, okay," Andrew scoffed, crossing his arms.

"You know your boobs look even BIGGER when you do that," I said, quoting directly from Nikolas Bradley.

"Huh, what?!" Andrew cried, throwing his arms up into the air and staring at his chest as if boobs had just popped up there.

"Oh yeah, I'm seeing a double D there," I said, gesturing to his general chest area.  "Man boobs GALORE BAY-BAY!"

"Yeah, and I bet you're SO not a 32 A," he said, rolling his eyes. 

"I think you're confusing me with your mom," I said, tsking and shaking my head.  "I never really thought of her as a milf."


"You didn't," he growled, narrowing his eyes.

"I DID!" I yelled, stepping up closer to him.  "YOUR MOTHER IS A MILF AND YOUR FATHER WAS A MALE PROSTITUTE!!!!!!!"

"That is SO IT!" Andrew yelled, and he lunged for me.

I quickly side-stepped and aimed a foot directly at his crotch, making his eyes pop out of his head like one of those animal-head-pens where you squeeze the head and the eyes bug out. 

And then I started running around the common room yelling, "MILF!  PROSTITUTE!! MILF!! PROSTITUTE!!!!!! MILF!!!!!!!!!!! PROS-TEE-TOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

On the last word I emphasized every syllable, just so he could hear me better.  By then Clarke had started going after him, too, and when Andrew lunged for me Clarke lunged for Andrew.

Giving a small scream, I scooted out of the way as both of their bodies came crashing to the ground, and I thought I heard the snap of bones.

"Oooohhhhh," Andrew moaned, wincing as he tried to sit up.  I think a few of his ribs were broken.

"You will NEVER go after her AGAIN or we will BOTH castrate you IN YOUR FUCKING SLEEP!" Clarke yelled right in Andrew's ear.

"Alright, get up, get up, you Neanderthals," I groaned, rolling my eyes dramatically.

"As you wish," Clarke said, picking himself up and dusting himself off. 

Taking a few quick steps, I pressed my body up against his and wrapped my arms around his neck, jerking my head to Andrew, who was watching us jealously.

"Ooh I get it.  Witch," Clarke muttered, smiling.

"Thank you for tackling him, he was going to get me," I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip.

Clarke smiled, winked, and then drew me into a rough kiss.  I tangled my fingers in his air, all too aware of Andrew's glare boring into our backs.

I decided to step it up a notch.

I started moaning, practically having clothed sex while I pressed my body up so hard against his that my boobs were starting to get squished.

I rode my calf (I was wearing short-shorts) up the side of his leg and he shivered.  I wrapped both my legs around his waist and rubbed my crotch against his.  His erection was now digging right into my core, and waves of passion started soaring through me. 

Clarke carried me as effortlessly as if I was a feather, and on our way up the stairs I looked back and waved to Andrew, pointing to Clarke's head and mouthing, "He is HOT."

Andrew's glare intensified, but by then Clarke was practically running up the stairs.  We reached my dorm, flung the door open, and collapsed onto my bed.

"That was the best show I have ever seen," Clarke whispered in THE sexiest, huskiest voice.

"Mhm, and the show goes on," I said as I furiously attacked his lips again and pulled on his hair. 

His hands started slowly sliding up my shirt, and I made no move to stop him.  My moans grew louder, and just as he was about to touch my boobs, there were sharp heeled footsteps clacking right toward our dorm.

Tony.  Moxie.  SHIT.

"Shit," I murmured, and as I tore my lips away from his he looked up and heard it, too.

We quickly arranged ourselves so we were just sitting on the bed cross-legged talking or something, when Tony and Moxie barged in. 

"HELlooooo........," Moxie yelled, trailing off as she saw Clarke.

" 'Sup," Clarke said, nodding and I elbowed him sharply in the side.

"And you're doing here, what?" Tony asked, cocking her head.

"The fucking NASTY!" I cried and both girls burst out laughing.

"Okay you crazy kids.  LET'S BREAK UP THE PARTY.  Elle, come on.  There's someone I want you to meet," Moxie said, her eyes twinkling. 

"Some PEOPLE actually," Tony corrected, nodding.  "Remember, we have classes the next day...."

"Don't I know it," I grumbled. 

"We want you to meet . . . Ahuiliztli!" Moxie cried, smiling broadly.

"Come again?"


Pronounced: Ah-huh-wheel-izt-lee.  ITS AZTEC.  Haha :)  Well, I guess that's it....  How you liking the story?  Does it deserve the Watty Awards?  Does it does it does it?  I would really like to know.






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