Chapter 18-I Am Never Going to Olive Garden Again. Well, I Can't.

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This chapter is dedicated to kellyismourning because she said she would die if I didn't upload, and I was like "OMFG i dont wanna kill her," so here u r, kellyismourning.  Please don't die now.  Thank you.  :) 


Just thought I should say that incase you all forgot.

Which I don't think you did cause you guys always leave wonderful comments but JUST IN CASE.


Chapter 18-I Am Never Going to Olive Garden Again.  Well, I Can't.

This is how we got kicked out.  And banned.  And threatened.  WHAT A FUCKING PACKAGE, huh? 

So, anyways, Moxie was flirting SHAMELESSY with this waiter guy, I mean, COME ON.  Moxie needs to be on Tough Love Miami or something, cause she was reminding me of Miss Desperate Bridget.  I mean, COME ON MOXIE! YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS!

But apparently Moxie wasn't listening to my telepathic messages.  God damn it, why won't my telepathy work?!  That book was complete shit....

"Sooo why aren't you married?" Moxie asked, batting her extra-mascaraed eyelashes.

"Haven't found the right girl yet," he said, winking at her.


Moxie let out this bitchy giggle that I thought only high-school-popular-girl-seniors were capable of.

"Well, maybe I'm that - " Moxie said, but was cut off by me slapping my hand over her mouth and pulling her back by her hair.

"I'm sorry, she's off her medication, she's not normally like this," I explained, sighing and shaking my head as Moxie tried to bite my hand.

"Medication?" he asked, raising one eyebrow and smiling dazzlingly.

Woah.  Mother fucking WOAH.  I can see where Moxie was coming from.

"And I'M sorry," Tony butted in, gently prying my hands away from Moxie's mouth.  "Elle here is a little overprotective.  Ever since she had her heart broken...." 

She shook her head and made tsking noises.

But something else had drawn my attention.  A flash of gold from Waiter Guy's hand, and I narrowed my eyes menacingly.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to his hand.

Might I add that we were in the middle of a FUCKING RESTAURANT! 

"Um - nothing," he said, quickly stuffing his hand inside his pocket.

"That isn't nothing," I said, quickly pulling his hand out and examining the gold band on his finger.

"That's a - um - work ring - for um - being in the company for - for - " he stammered, but I stepped closer to him.

"You little BITCH!" I hissed through my teeth, slapping him straight in the face.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" asked a voice behind me, and I turned around to face a middle-aged man with graying hair and one gray eyebrow cocked.

"No sir," I said, my voice an octave higher, smiling.  "This waiter is married and he was flirting with my friend."

I stuck out my lip slightly and pouted.

"Alright," he said, sighing, picking up the damaged waiter by one arm. 

A new waiter, his face hidden by a green cap, led us to our table in the back. 

"Here you are," he said, his voice strangely light, but still male.

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