Chapter 6-The Horse Riding

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Chapter 6-The Horse Riding

The next day was hectic.  That's the only word for it.  

At 10:32 a.m. I woke up, Molly, Vivian, Critter, Theresa, and Noire still snuggled all around me.  I smiled and gently peeled them off of me.  I grabbed the kitten food bag from the corner of my room and filled three bowls with it.  At the sound of the dry pellets hitting the ceramic, all three cats immediately shot up and dived over to eat.  Before they could get there, I ladled some wet food into each bowl also.  They cocked their heads at this strange concoction but continued eating.

I then ladled some puppy food into two bowls, and Molly and Viv shot right up.  I smiled as they all munched their food.  Now it's time for me to get some of my own...

I learned one of many things today.  That breakfast's at the Bradley house are normally, well, not normal!!!  After getting eggs thrown in my hair and syrup on my sweats, I gave up and left the room to shower.

Why can't they be CIVILIZED?! my mind yelled as I stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash my troubles away.

As soon as I was dressed and ready, I prayed to God, if he exists, that this day would be as peaceful as possible.

I was wrong.  Thanks a WHOLE LOT God.  I am SOOO NOT going to church anymore.  

Breakfast was a bit of a quieter meal, I suspect Mary had her word with them.  Thank you Mary!!!

As soon as we were done, I hopped up to go walk my dogs.  

"Where're ya - ?" Alex managed to get out before I ran out the door.

I quickly attached the leash to Molly and Viv's collars and carried them down the stairs.

I was met by Alex at the front door.

"Can I come with you?" he asked cautiously, as if afraid I woud sprout wings, breathe fire, and carry him off to his fiery grave in some Hawaiian volcanoe.  

Yeah right...  Boys are so weird sometimes...

"Sure, I would love some company," I said, smiling.

He smiled back, and I just frickin MELTED.  What IS it about him that makes me want to run over to him and kiss him?!  Okay Elle, dirty thoughts lead to dirty actions.

"Elle?  Elle?  You there?" Alex asks, snapping me out of my fantasy.

"Oh, um, yeah, just um, let's go!" I said, power-walking out the front door.

Alex quickly follows, and when we're both safely out the front door I drop Molly and Viv onto the ground.  They sniff around, and then we start walking.  As I cast one last glance at the house, I see a curtain swiftly drop.  Hm... Strange...

"So, uh, do you wanna go riding with me today?" Alex asks, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Alex, you don't have to - keep acting - like I'm going - to - to breathe - fire and - and - kill you!  It would be - be - great!" I choke out between laughing.

Alex looks surprised, like a puppy that was just caught sticking his nose in the cookie jar.  

"You're so stupid," I say, pinching his cheek.

He slaps my hand away and says, "Hey, it takes one to know one."

I dramatically gasp, and to throw in a little something extra, I pretend to cry.

He's probably thinking, OH SHIT! I thought.

"Hey, um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean, it I - " he says, panicking.

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