Chapter 9-Arms

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Song of the chapter: Christina Perri-Arms

Chapter 9-Arms

I woke up and he was there.  So great.  I breahted in his scent, I can't really describe it, it was a vanilla escence slash baking smell.  It was weird for a guy, but it smelled GREAT.

As soon as I shifted his eyes snapped open.  He looked down at me, smiling, and kissed me softly. 

"Mornin," he whispered.

I yawned, "Moooorning."

"Ew Elle, go brush your teeth," he said, plugging his nose and pushing me off of the couch.

"You're so mean...," I grumbled, walking into the bathroom and quickly brushing my teeth. 

As I walked back out he stood up and stretched, flexing those god-like muscles of his.  HOOOOTNEEESSSSS!!!!!!

"Stop showing off and go get dressed," I said, slapping him playfully on the chest.

"Ouch," he pouted, rubbing his chest as if it hurt. 

"Oh puh-LEASE.  Just go get dressed Shaun Cassidy," I chastised, shooing him out of the room. 

(For any of you who don't know who Shaun Cassidy is look him up on the Internet, he was the Justin Bieber of the 70's.  Elle's into oldies stuff.)

"Fine fine," he grumbled, walking out of the room.

Sighing happily, I collapsed onto my bed.  What a great night...  We even BANTERED like boyfriend and girlfriend!  I was just in heaven.  I was love struck.  I was star struck.  I was drunk on love.  Whatever other analogies you can come up with, I was that.

I walked into my closet and changed into a sexy/modest/cute baby blue dress, the same one I had worn on my first day of school.  Actually, naaaahhhh.  I changed instead to skinny jeans and a Coca-Cola t-shirt.  Go me.

I walked downstairs to breakfast, sitting next to Alex and talking with him, smiling at him a lot.  I could tell his parents were exchanging knowing glances.  Bryce was sitting there with his mouth open, scrambled eggs falling out.

"Close your mouth Bryce," I said, flicking the side of his head.

"OUCH!" he cried, rubbing it.

"Stop being a baby," I said, rolling my eyes.

Cris glanced over at me and I winked.  I could tell he knew what it meant. 

"So, Alex, Elle, you got any new plans for today?" asked Mary, looking up from the eggs she was scarfing down.

"Actually n - " I began, but Alex cut me off.

"We were going to go on a picnic in the backwoods if you don't mind, Mom.  I'm just going to show her what it's like," he said, smirking at me.

God dammit I loved that smirk....

"Okay, be back by 9!" she said cheerfully, turning back to her eggs and bacon.

I squeezed Alex's hand under the table.

As soon as breakfast was over, Alex and I rushed to the kitchen to prepare the picnic: salads, sodas, chips, cookies, popcorn, Poptarts, Cheetos, Doritoes, yada yada all that junk stuff.  We closed the picnic basket we had dug up out of the pantry and raced each other out of the house towards the horse trail.

As soon as we were out of sight we slowed down and Alex wrapped an arm around my waist.  I rested my head on his shoulder.  It felt like we fit together, like puzzle pieces.  It felt so right.

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