Chapter 10-David Bradley

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ELLO.  About the flashback....yes it was real.....don't worry im not gonna pull a fake-flashback-then-me-laughing-in-face-and-putting-character-in-weird-situation-when-chapter-resumes move.  thats just not me....

soooo you get a peek into David Bradley.  I know some of you have been asking why I haven't really DESCRIBED the older Bradleys, and yes, there is a reason.  I'm  not kidding.  All will be revealed.

lol ok i better shut up...


Chapter 10-David Bradley


Well, in reality, it happened the day after Alex and I went into the woods.


It was the end of July, and everything was perfectly peachy.  Until Dumb David brought a girl home. 

Normally you would think, Oh, that's not that bad, they're dating, it's fine...

Well, uh, NO, they WEREN'T dating, she looked like a fucking PROSTITUTE.  But I really didn't think Dave would stoop that low... would he? 

I mean, I know the twins were player-ish, Nick more so, but Dave was still a player.  So, anyways, he brought this blonde bimbo bitch home, the first time, he had ever brought a girl home, and Mary and John were kinda okay with it....

Dave did this kind of thing.  They knew their son was a player, and in the beginning, Alex told me, they blamed themselves for raising him that way.  But it wasn't their fault, Dave just turned out that way....

We all also knew Dave had a massive condom stash hidden in a box under a loose floorboard in his closet.  Everyone except his parents knew, that is.  His parents have a strict rule of "NO SEX IN THE HOUSE OR WE WILL PERSONALLY CUT OFF YOUR BALLS," kind of rule.  They didn't mind sex, their rule was "IN THE WOODS, NOT IN THE HOUSE."

Well of course Dave and Nick were not happy.  There was also a rule of "no condoms in the house."  Because of course, condoms in house meant sex in house.  So Dave and Nick brought girls home, supposed "girlfriends" they brought over for a couple of weeks, then "dumped" and moved on to the next one.

But not this time with Dave.  There was no "I have a new girlfriend" blurt-out over dinner.  There was no "can she come over?" ritual.  There was no "she'll be here at eight" thing.  He just showed up with her.

The boys always "showed the girls the house," which meant going upstairs and "playing videogames" they told their parents.  I was surprised Mary and John were dumb enough to believe them.

So, obviously, in his sexual haste, Dave forgot to replace the loose floorboard with the box of condoms in his closet.  Bad move, since his mom came to hang up the clothes she had just washed in his closet everyday.  He was too lazy. 

So, as you might expect, Mary found the condoms and went BALLISTIC.  "Well, there goes our condom stash...," all the boys thought as Mary threw them ALL into the fire.

And might I mention that plastic, or whatever it is, doesn't burn well AT ALL?!  It gave off this acrid odor, which Mary had not anticipated.  She ended up just closing the family room door and letting them burn.  No way was she throwing them out and risking them being dug up out of the garbage, as disgusting as that was.

None of us were happy after that incident.  Me and Alex couldn't have sex.  Boo.  I mean, we had been dating since beginning of summer technically, I think we DESERVED to have sex. 

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