Chapter 33

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Jewels' P.O.V

I've stayed in my room most of the day because I was sweating my ass off in the jacket,but I couldn't take it off.The boys would be so disappointed and would want to know why I did it.Plus,Luke and Arzaylea would use it as a weak spot on me.I have my jacket off right now as I scroll through Twitter on my phone when someone knocks on the door.

"Come in,"I said mindlessly.I quickly cover the scars by putting my arm faced down on my sheets,which kind of hurt.

"Hey,are you okay,"Mikey asked as he closed the door and sat on my bed.

"Yeah,why wouldn't I be,"I said as I put a fake smile on my face.

"You've been sitting in your room all day,that's not like you and we all know it,"Mikey stated.

"I just wanted to have a day to myself,"I said.

"I know why you're really in here,"he said.

"Yeah,because I told you Mikey,"I said.

"That's not why,I saw what you did,"he said.How'd he find out?

"What do you mean,"I said,playing dumb.Mikey grabbed my wrist and flipped it over so you could see my scars.

"This is why you're in your room and why you had a jacket on this morning,"he said.

"How'd you find out,"I questioned him.

"When your sleeve dropped,I saw them and the toilet paper right before you pulled it back up,"he said.

"Do you know if any of the others know,"I asked.

"I highly doubt it,they were all looking down at their food,"he said.

"And before you say it,I won't tell them,but I want you to tell them at some point Jewels,"he added.

"I know Mike,"I said with a sigh.

"Why do you do it,"he asked.

"I can't say,"I simply said.

"Why not,"he asked.

"They'll hurt me again,"I said.

"Grab your shoes and take these bracelets to cover the scars and meet me in the car,"Mikey said as he put the bracelets on my desk and left.I put the bracelets on,slipped on my shoes,and walked out to the car.Once I got in,Mikey pulled out of the driveway.We drove for a few minutes,then stopped outside of Nandos.We went in a took a seat,ordered food and drinks,and waited for our food.

"Can you tell me now,please Jewels,"Mikey begged.

"Fine,but you can't tell anyone,it stays between me and you,"I said.

"Okay,"he said.

"And you can't confront them or attack them next time you see them,they'll only hurt me more if they knew I told someone,"I said.

"I promise,no one else will know and I won't make it obvious that I know,"he said.

Once I explained everything to Mikey,he didn't look happy at all.

"I can't believe Luke would do that and especially to you,"Mikey said in shock and anger.

"Yeah,I know and I still don't understand why he hates me,"I said as we walked out of Nandos.

"None of us know.All we know is that one day he came back from a date with the bitch kind of pissy and everytime your name was said after that,he either left the room,said something awful about you,or would have a look of disgust and when something good was said about you,then he'd laugh like it was a lie,"Mikey explained.

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