Chapter 27

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(Left in back is Lydia,in front of her is Mallory.Right side in back is you,in front of you is Lauren.)

(Skip to Friday)

It's Friday and last period,meaning that in only a few minutes,me and my best friends will be leaving on a get away.Lydia and the girls picked where we were going and won't tell me,only saying it's a surprise.The bell rings and I rush out to my locker,throw my things in it,and head to my car to see Mallory standing by it.A few minutes later,Lauren walks out.About 10 minutes later,Lydia comes running out of the school.

"Sorry I was late,a teacher wanted to talk to me,"she yelled.

"That's fine,lets head to your house so we can drop your car off and then you can drive us there,"I called to her.

We quickly drove to her house and she went inside to grab her bag,then came out and got in the driver's seat.She started pulling out of the driveway and my vision went black.

"What hell,why are you blindfolding me,"I yell.

"Remember,it's a surprise,"Lauren says.

"I hate you all,"I pout.

"We love you too,"Mallory says.

After what feels like hours of driving,the car finally stops and Lydia helps me out while Mallory and Lauren grab our things.How do I know that,Lydia is talking to me as we walk and the other two yell that they are getting our things.A door opens and I feel someone untie the blindfold so I can see the beautiful beach house I'm inside of.

"Holy shit guys,who's is this,"I ask.

"When my parents heard about what happened,they said I could use their secret beach house for the weekend,"Lydia said.

"I'm gonna have to thank them for this,"I said as we walk to our rooms.We each get our own rooms and they gave me the master room.

Once we're all settled,we all get our bathing suits on and run into the ocean.We play around for a few hours before going inside for food.

"Does anyone know how to use a grill,"Mallory asked.

"Last time I tried was with my dad and I burnt them,"I said as I remembered that day.

"I do,let me go get the grill and someone bring the steaks,hamburgers,and hot dogs,"Lydia said as she ran outside.Me and the girls got what she said and came outside with it.We also brought out ketchup(hehe,I'm sorry I had to)and things like that,plates,forks,and buns.Once everything was finished,we sat on the beach and ate.The rest of the night we stayed outside and made s'mores around a fire while we watched the stars.A shooting star went by and we all made a wish.

I wish people would stop putting me through so much pain and heartbreak I thought to myself.

Once it started to get cold out,we went inside and watched some movies and I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I woke up to the smell of bacon,eggs,and waffles.I walked to the kitchen to see all the girls cooking food.

"Is that deliciousness I smell,"I said as I sat down.

"Yep,here you go babe,"Lydia says as she kissed my forehead.

"Thanks guys,this is the best thing you could've ever done for me,"I said to them.

"Anything for you hun,"Mallory said.

"You helped us,now it's our turn to help you,"Lauren said.

"This is too much,"I said,but they thought it wasn't enough.

"How does surfing sound,"Lydia said.

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