Chapter 18

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Today was the day the boys were leaving and Cal was trying to stay with me.Ever since I said that I just wanted to die,he has been keeping close eyes on me.

"Are you sure you want us to go,"Cal said as we stood in our driveway.The boys were going to be here soon because they wanted to spend their last day with their families.

"Yes,live your dreams,I'll be fine,just make sure to text,call,or video chat with me,"I said as a car rolled up and Ash got out.A few minutes later,Luke was here.

"We're going to miss you Jewels,"Luke said as he hugged me.

"Where's Mikey we gotta leave in a few minutes,"Ash said as Mikey jumped out of his car.

"Sorry,slept in on accident,"he said.

"That doesn't surprise me,"Ash said as we just shook our heads.

"Well,we'll see you later Jewels,"Luke said as we had our last group hug for a while and they got into their van.I watched as I drove away and I broke down right there in the driveway.

First Day of Junior Year

Today is the first day of school since the boys left,so I don't have any friends.I'm walking through the halls to my locker when someone walks up to me and they look confused.

"Do you know where room 304 is,"she asks.

"I'm going there now,so you can just walk with me if you want,"I said as I started walking.

"Thanks,no one was helping me,they would just say fuck off and walk away,"she said.

"Don't worry,you can talk to me if need someone because all my friends left me,"I said.

"Well,you have a new friend now,my name is Lydia,"she said.

"My name is Jewlisa,but everyone calls me Jewels for short,"I said.

"This school is way bigger than where I used to go,"Lydia said.

"Same,I moved in with my brother and dad last year,"I said.

"I'm guessing your parents are divorced then,why'd you leave your mom,"she asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now,maybe you could come over and I could tell you about myself then,"I said as she nodded.We walked in and sat next to each other.

"Well,I could tell you about myself then because my life is pretty fucked up,"she said.

"Mine's really bad,trust me on this,"I said.The bell rang a few minutes later and class started.

At Lunch

I'm sitting at lunch when Lydia comes and sits next to me.She smiles and gives a small wave and I just give a weak smile.

"What's wrong Jewels,"she asked.

"My family,"I simply responded.

"Can you explain more because I don't understand,"she said.

"I was going to tell you this at my house,but I guess I could tell you now,"I said.

"Okay,"she said.

"My dad passed away a few weeks ago and the funeral is this weekend and my brother won't even be there for it,"I said as a tear slid down my cheek.

"How old is your brother,"she asked.

"He's turning 19 in January,"I lied.

"Why isn't he going,"she asked.

"He's on tour with his bandmates,"I said as the rang.

"Well,I want to know more later,"she said and I just nodded.

After School

I was at my locker grabbing my things when someone tapped on my shoulder.I turned around and was greeted by a smiling Lydia.

"Ready to go,"she said as we walked out.

"Yeah,just follow me,"I said as we walked to our cars.Once we got to my house,we went inside and sat on the couch.

"Tell me more about your brother,"she said.Right after,my laptop went off,saying the someone was trying to video chat with me.

"Well,you can meet him if you want,"I said as I accepted Cal's call.Soon,all 4 boys' faces appeared on my screen as I saw Lydia's jaw drop.

"You're Calum Hood's sister,"she said in shock.

"Yeah,that's me,"I said.

"Boys,this is my new friend Lydia,"is introduced.

"Hello,"they all said in unison.

"Luke,fucking quit before I stab you,"Mikey yelled.

"Fine,I'll cuddle with Cal,"Luke said as he got up and walked towards Cal.

"No,come back,"Mikey whined.

"Would you all shut the fuck up,"Cal said.

"Stop swearing,"Ash scolded.

"Fuck you Luke,"Mikey yelled.

"Stop fucking swearing,"Ash yelled.

"Guys,I have things to do,so if we're going to talk,you need to talk and not yell at each other,"I said.

"How's it been without us,"Ash asked.

"Not too bad,how's the tour been,"I asked.

"Pretty good,"Luke said.

"I miss you guys,"I whined.

"Don't worry,we'll visit whenever we can,"Cal said.

"Well,I have to go,I'll talk to you guys later,"I said as we all said our goodbyes and ended the call.

"I didn't know you were Calum's sister,"Lydia exclaimed.

"I could tell,so do you wanna work on homework,"I said as she nodded.

Lydia just left and I'm getting ready for bed.I jumped into the shower before I got into bed so I didn't have to take one in the morning.I blow dried my hair so it wasn't a knotted mess in the morning and climbed into bed.I was started to get really tired when someone started banging on the door.Who would be trying to bother me at 10 at night?I got up and stumbled towards the door.Before I opened the door,I grabbed a jacket that was hung by the door because it was cold out.I opened the door to see the person I would least expect to be here.

"Mom,what the hell are you doing here,"I asked in shock as she walked into the house.

"I want you to come home,I miss you sweetheart,"she pleaded.

"No,I don't want to because you always hit me and I couldn't take it anymore,"I said.

"Why didn't your father answer the door,"she asked.

"That's none of your business,"I retorted.

"Where the hell is your father,"she yelled.

"He's not home,"I yelled back.

"Why,"she snapped.

"Because he fucking died alright,"I yelled.

"Then that means that you have to come home with me because you're not 18 and neither is Cal,"she said with a smirk.

"Cal is 18,so he can legally take care of me,"I lied.

"Bullshit,I know how old he is,"she yelled.

"How old is he then,"I said,waiting for her to answer.

"Isn't he like 16,"she said.

"No,"I said in a duh voice.

"Then he's 15,"she said like she was correct.

"No,I'm 16 and Cal's 18,"I said.

"Then where is he,"she said.

"He's working,"I said.

"Fine,but you'll have to come home eventually,once you realize that he can't take care of you,I just know you'll be crawling back to me,"she said as she slammed the door.

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