Chapter 32

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I got out of the car and stared at their house.It was so beautiful,the house was basically see through with all the glass and you could see a pool in the back.

"Holy shit,your house is so beautiful,"I said in amazement.

"Yeah,but wait until you see the inside,"Ash said as they dragged me inside.They were right,the inside was gorgeous.Lets just say,imagine your dream house,it looked like that and more.

"I'll take you to your room,"Cal said as I followed him up the spiral staircase.

"Here's your room,"he said as he opened the door to a black and white room.He left me to unpack and once I finished,I flopped onto my bed.I layed there for a few minutes just thinking when a knock on my door broke me from my thought.I got up and went to my door and closed it immediately after.

"Jewels,open the door,"Luke asked.

"No,go away asshole,"I barked.Since I was a small girl,he pushed the door open and I went back to my bed and layed under my covers.

"Oh come on,don't be like that,"he cooed.

"Stop acting like you care,I'm sick of all your bullshit,"I snapped at him.He closed the door came back towards me.

"Listen up you little bitch,I want you gone by tomorrow.This is my space and I don't need you slutting up the place.Tell everyone something came up,I don't give a shit what you say,just leave,"he said while his face was only inches from mine.

"And what if I don't,what are you going to do because remember,I could ruin your career while the other boys keep living this life without you.Cal will believe because if you hurt me in any way,I could tell him and you'd be fucked.I could tell him this threat you're sending me,"I retaliated.

"As long as they don't see that it was me,then they wouldn't know that I happened to accidentally push you down the stairs,there's always a way around threats,"he said between gritted teeth.

"What if I told you I had this whole conversation recorded and then posted it online so your fans could see the guy you actually are.All they see is the Luke that tries to look good for paps,but when no one's around,you're a prick,"I said.

"Not possible,you've been unpacking all day and you're not smart enough to think of something like that,"he said with a smirk.

"I'm not leaving Luke,no matter how many times you threaten me,I came here to see my brother and the boys and that's what I'm going to do whether you like it or not,"I said bluntly and a bit loud.

"Then prepare for hell because that's what you have coming for you,"he said and opened the door.

"See you later Jewels,"he said all friendly,but I flipped him off.

3 Days Later

Luke was serious because all he and Arzaylea have been doing is fucking with me.The bitch almost stabbed me with a knife!Luckily,Mikey came in before she could,so I've been staying close to the boys the whole time.At night I have to lock my door so they don't get in and try to murder me in my sleep.Right now,I'm getting my pajamas out of my drawers to get changed when I here a knock on my door.

"Who is it,"I call,but all I hear is someone's loud as hell laughter and elephant feet.It was most likely Mikey because he keeps doing that every single night.So,I waited by the door until there was another knock and I opened the door.

"I got you Mikey,"I yelled.

"Wrong bitch,"Luke said as he cupped his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream.Arzaylea followed behind him and closed the door.

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