Chapter 35

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I woke up in a dark room,which I'm guessing was Mikey.I went to get up,but then realized I wasn't wearing anything.Did we actually fuck last night?I sat up,keeping the blanket covering my body and turned on the lamp on the stand next to me.I looked over and saw someone who wasn't Mikey and the last person I thought I would've had sex with.

"Oh my fucking god,no no no,that did NOT happen,please tell me it didn't,"I pleaded as Luke shot up,but kept himself covered.

"Umm,I don't know,I can't remember what happened,"he said,scratching the back of his neck.

"How can you not remember,you weren't drunk, "I said in disbelief.

"I was pretty close to being drunk,I did have some beer when you left and vodka,"he said.

"No no no no no,stay away from me,"I said as I grabbed my clothes and quickly put them one and left the room.

Luke's P.O.V

Yeah,what I said about being close to being drunk,that was a lie.I had only a few beers,which doesn't affect me at all.I remember last night clearly and I know she'd be mad if I told her I was sober.

Last Night

I was in my room getting ready to go to bed.Finally,a night alone,something I've been wanting for awhile.I was currently only in my boxers,ready to lay down when Jewels stumbles into my doorway.

"Jewels,this isn't your room,this is mine.Come on,I'll help you back to yours,"I said walking towards her.She walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Jewels,I said this isn't your room,this is mine,"I said again,but she didn't pay attention.She started walking around my room as she looked at everything.After a few minutes,she turned and looked at me with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"What's wrong,"I asked as I walked to her,but she extended her arms and put her head down so she wasn't looking at me.

"Why do you hate me,I didn't do anything to you,"she said.

"I don't hate you Jewels,"I confessed.

"Then why are you always so mean to me,"she asked,finally looking at me.

"It's complicated,if I tell you,my whole career will be ruined and I don-,"I was cut off by Jewels attaching her lips to mine.I immediately pushed away because I don't want her to regret all of this in the morning.

"No Jewels,I'm in a relationship,plus you hate me,"I said.

"I don't hate you Luke.In fact,I still love you even after all the pain you put me through,"she said and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me down closer,then attached her lips to my neck.I don't know what took over my body,but as soon as that happened,I picked her up by her thighs and layed her on the bed.I hovered above her as I lightly kissed her lips.She wrapped her legs around my torso as I left sloppy kisses down her jawline to her neck.

"Luke,"she giggled as she pulled at my hair.I let out a deep,throaty moan and started unbuttoning her jeans as she pulled of her shirt.Soon,both our undergarments were off and I was getting ready to start.

"Wait,what about protection,"she said.

"I already got it on,calm down,"I said as I kissed her forehead.I then pounded into her because I knew this could possibly be the last time I ever get to have sex with her.

Once we both released,I colapsed next to her as she snuggled up to me.I soon drifted to sleep as she drew things like hearts and wrote words like love with her fingertips on my chest.

Present Time

I ran after her after I got my boxers on.I saw her walk into her room and I ran towards her,but she shut the door right before I got there.

"Jewels,open the door,we need to talk about this,"I said.

"No,go away,there's nothing we need to talk about because I refuse to believe that actually happened,"she said from the other side of the door.I knew Jewels well enough to know that there was no convincing her to change her mind,so I went back to my room before Arzaylea got back.

Jewels' P.O.V

After a few minutes,I opened the door slowly and poked my head out.Once the coast was clear,I went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal.

"Where did you go last night,"Cal asked.

"I don't know how I got there,but I woke up on my bathroom floor,"I said.

"You weren't there when we checked,"he said.

"Okay fine,don't get mad but,"I paused because I was going to tell him the truth,but I didn't want him to kill Luke.

"I woke up on Luke's bathroom floor,"I said as he just nodded and I finished my food and went into my bathroom to shower.While I showered,I put on Fallen by Evenesence.

"Jewels,I need your toothpaste,"Cal said as he walked in and went through my cabinet.He went to look through my makeup bag,but I quickly got out of the shower and snatched it away from him.I gave him my toothpaste and pushed him out.

After I got out,I put on a band shirt with a red flannel over it with black skinny jeans with both knees ripped with black vans.

"Hey Jewels,wanna go out for a bit,"Mikey asked and I nodded.

We got into the car and we drove for awhile until we stopped.I looked up seeing we were at a park.We got out and walked over to a bench and sat down.

"Jewels,where did you go last night,"he asked.

"I woke up in Luke's bathroom,"I quickly responded.

"Okay you're lying because you only answer quickly when your lying,"he said.

"No I don't,"I said quickly.

"See,now tell me,"he said.

"Fine,but you can't go crazy because I'm sure the same thing will happen if they ever find out about me telling you what they do,"I said and he nodded.

"First off,I did wake up in Luke's room,"I said.

"Okay,well then I guess you were telling the truth,"Mikey said and went to get up,but I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down.

"The thing is that I didn't wake up in the bathroom,I woke up in his bed,"I said.

"Oh,well there was nothing to hide if you were just sleeping,"he said.

"Mikey,I wasn't wearing anything when I got up,"I said.His eyes went huge at the mention of that.

"Wasn't he sober,"he asked.

"He said that he had beer when we were gone and was pretty drunk last night,"I said.

"So are you saying what I think you're saying,"Mikey said as he but his hands on top of his head.

"Well,if what you're thinking was that I slept with Luke then yes,I slept with Luke last night,"I said.I couldn't believe it now that I was finally excepting the fact that it happened.If Cal finds out,we're both fucked,but if Arzaylea finds out,she'll probably blame it on me and Luke will tell her she's right and my life will be a living hell.

"Jewels,if Cal finds out,you and Luke are both fucked,"Mikey said.

"I'm not worried about Cal,my main fear is Arzaylea finding out,"I said with tears in my eyes.

"Don't worry,I won't let her hurt you,"Mikey said as he lifted my chin up to look at him.I don't know what took over me,but I brought his head down to mine and kissed him.

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