Chapter 3

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A Few Weeks Later

School has started and I'm a grade below Cal,Luke,and Mikey.Ash doesn't go to the same school unfortunately.I'm putting my books in my locker when someone taps on my shoulder.I turn around to be greeted with one of the hottest guys in my grade,Gavin Evers.

"Hey,I've been meaning to talk to you,"he said.

"Are you sure you have the right person,"I asked.

"Well,I'm looking for the prettiest girl in my grade and she goes by the name Jewlisa Hood and I'm pretty sure I'm looking at that beautiful girl right now,"he said with a smile.I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I looked down.

"Sorry,but I'm far from beautiful Gavin,"I said as I looked up at him.

"Lies,you're very beautiful,that's why I would like to know if you want to be my girlfriend that's way out of my league,"he said as I nodded.

"Okay,well I'll talk to you later,"he said as he walked away.

When I got home,I made the boys sit on the couch so I could tell them my news.

"What's this about Jewels,"Cal asked.

"Yeah,we have to practice,"Luke whined.

"We also have to do a video,"Ash added.

"This better be important because I was going to go get food,"Mikey said.

"I'm sure you all know who Gavin Evers is,I'm not sure about you Ash,"I said as they all nodded including Ash.

"Well,he asked me out and we're dating now,"I said as the boys just sat their in shock.

"That's great sis,"Cal said as he hugged me.

"Just remember,no doing the naughty,"Mikey said as he joined our hug.

"Mikey,shut up,but he better treat you nice Jewels,"Ash said.

"Yeah,if he ever hurts you,please,tell us,"Luke said.As soon as everyone pulled away,Luke stayed for our own hug.I still like Luke,but I'm trying to move on.

"Thanks penguin,"I said as Luke chuckled at the nickname only I'm aloud to call him.

"No problem cuddle buddy,"he said.Yeah,that's right,whenever we feel like it,we just cuddle.The boys find it weird,but I'm closest to Luke,other than Cal of course.I cuddle with all of them,but it's mostly Luke.They all went downstairs as I went to my room to do homework.

Luke's P.O.V

We went downstairs to practice,but just couldn't focus and the boys noticed.

"Luke,are you okay,"Ash asked.

"Yeah,you look so upset,"Mikey added.

"Is it about what happened upstairs,"Cal asked and I just nodded.They all knew I liked Jewels and Cal was okay with it because he knows I wouldn't ever hurt her.

"I was going to tell her later today,"I said and they all knew about that.

"I'm sorry Luke,"Cal said.

"Mikey told me to make sure you were okay with it first.After you were okay with it,we waited for the right time,but it's too late,"I said as we got ready for the video.

Jewels' P.O.V

I've been dating Gavin for almost 2 months and he's starting to be a dick to me,the boys,and Cal.I don't think we're going to last much longer,but I'm trying to make it work.

"I don't like you hanging around with them all the time,"Gavin said in a some what calm voice.We are currently standing in my room while the boys are downstairs.We were watching a movie when Gavin pulled me away.

"They're my only friends Gavin,"I said.

"Get rid of them,especially Luke,"Gavin about yelled.

"I'm not getting rid of them,they have always been there for me and I'm not about to ditch them,"I snapped.

"Are you cheating on me with Luke because you go everywhere with him,"Gavin yelled.He was getting angrier by the second.

"No,I would never cheat on you,so would you stop jumping to conclusions,"I yelled.

"Don't you ever yell at me,now ditch them or else,"Gavin yelled.

"Then don't yell at me and for the last time,I'm not ditching my best friends,"I yelled back.He immediately rose his hand,as he did the door flung open to Luke standing in the door.

"Cal said to keep it-what the fuck man,get away from her,"Luke yelled because Gavin had hit me. Luke grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him to the wall.

"Stay away from her or I'll fucking kill you,you're a low life bastard that's going to rot in hell,"Luke yelled.

"Its not like you have to because we're over,she cheated on me with you,oh wait,you already know that,"he snapped back.

"You're really fucking stupid,we're not dating,you're just too blind to see that she treats people the correct way,unlike you,now get your ass out of here and don't think of coming back,"Luke yelled as he dragged him to the door where the boys have been standing ever since Luke yelled.The boys took him,knowing something bad happened,and threw him out of the house.Luke came running to me who was crying on the floor.He bent down and hugged me and I immediately hugged back.

"I'm so sorry Jewels,but I'll always be here for you,"Luke said as he helped me up,not breaking the hug.

"Don't leave me Luke,please,"I said in between my tears.

"I'll never leave you Jewels,"Luke said.

"Since it's Friday,why don't I stay the whole weekend and stay with you,"he added.I just nodded as he picked me up as he sat on the bed and placed me in his lap while I clung to his waist.He called his mom and explained everything while I cried harder at the mention of it.

"Okay,I have to go grab my things and you're coming with me,"Luke said as he picked me again.

"Can someone drive us to my house because I'm staying all weekend with Jewels and I need to go pick up a few things,"he said as I kept sobbing into his chest,creating a huge wet spot on his shirt.

"Yeah,I'll take you since I'm the only one that has a car that's here,"Ash said as we walked to his car.

The whole ride was silent other than the light music coming from the radio and me crying.Once we got there,Ash stayed in the car while Luke and I went in.His mom just smiled at us as we walked to Luke's room.He grabbed a small bag and stuffed some things in it,then walked back to the car.The ride was the same as when we drove here.We went back to my room and just layed there as Luke played with my hair which was relaxing.I was about to drift to sleep when Luke got up.

"I'll be right back,call if you need anything,"Luke whispered into my ear and went to my bathroom.

Once he came back out,he layed back down next to me.He brought me close to him as I wrapped my arms around him and cried a bit.I soon fell asleep with my head on Luke's chest.

I woke to find Luke typing something on his phone.He just smiled and put it down.My phone went off,saying I had a notification.It was instagram,so I checked it to see a picture Luke posted of me sleeping on his chest,which is bare by the way.He captioned it with,"This girl is so misunderstood,y do ppl treat her so horrible,she's the sweetest thing ever,so that means if u hurt her,ur going to have to deal with the brother and her 3 other best friends,Ashton,Mikey,and mainly me."I sat up and looked at him as he sat up after me.

"I'm letting everyone know that you're amazing and should be treated well,"Luke said.I didn't say anything,I just leaned forward and hugged him.Once I pulled away,Luke kissed my forehead as a tear slid down my cheek.Luke wiped it away as we went downstairs.We got our breakfast and went back upstairs to my room.For the rest of the day,we played video games,watched movies,and cuddled when I started crying.This is why I can't stop loving him and I never will.

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