Chapter 28

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We're all back home and getting things around for school tomorrow when Mallory and Lauren come racing into my room.

"Someone's calling for you,"Mallory said as she handed me the phone.

"Hello,is this Jewlisa Hood I'm speaking to,"the man asked.

"Yes,who's calling,"I asked.

"This is Harvey from Sounds Records(I don't know if this is actually record label,I just made it up),we'd like to meet with you this Wednesday to discuss signing you to out label,"they said.

"Yeah sure,how does 5 p.m. sound,I'm free then,"I said.

"That's perfect,we'll see you Wednesday Ms.Hood,"Harvey said and hung up.

"Holy shit,"I screamed.

"Who was it,"Mallory asked.

"The boss of Sounds Records,they wanna talk about signing me Wednesday,"I said.

"Oh my god that's huge Jewels,"Lauren yelled.I quickly got my laptop and called Cal through FaceTime.He picked up after a few rings.

"Hey Jewels,back from your get away,"he said.

"Guess who might have a singing career,"I said and he started freaking out.

"Ash,Mikey,get your asses in here,"Cal yelled.

"What the fuck do you want,"Mikey yelled.

"Stop swearing,"Ash scolded.Soon both boys appeared on screen and waved.

"What is this about Calum,"Ash asked.

"Sounds Records wants to meet with Jewels about signing her,"Cal said and both boys went crazy.

"See,I told you that you had an amazing voice,"Ash said.

"My little sis is growing up,"Cal said as he pretended to cry and wipe away a tear.

"What are you guys yelling about,"Luke yelled.

"Jewels is meeting with Sounds Record to talk about signing her,"Mikey said.

"So,"he snapped.

"This is huge for her,"Ash said.

"Our little baby is growing into a women,"Cal added.

"What crawled up your ass,"Mikey scoffed.

"Arzaylea,"Luke replied in annoyance.

"That's not a surprise,"Ash said.

"Well,we gotta get ready for our show,talk to you later,bye,"Cal said.

"Bye,"I said and shut my computer.

Luke's P.O.V

"Why aren't you proud of Jewels,"Cal asked.

"Because Jewels can't matter to me,"I sighed.

"Why,"Ash said.

"You said you'd love her forever,"Mikey added.

"Arzaylea said that I had to stay away from Jewels or she'd ruin me,"I said.

"I'm sorry Luke,"Cal said.

"I'm not aloud to be nice to her when she's around or she'll ruin everything for me,"I said.

"Well someone's extra bitchy today,you're such a fucking blabber mouth,"Arzaylea said from behind us.

"You're a real bitch you know,"Ash said.

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