Chapter 9

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Once we got to the bathroom,I grabbed my blow dryer,hair gel,and a brush.I first brush through his hair as I dried it.Once his hair was mostly dry,I put hair gel in and kept blow drying.Once I got the quiff to stay,I gelled it over and put my beanie on his head.

"Thanks babe,"he said as he pecked my lips.

"This time,don't make yourself vulnerable for a prank,"I said as he just chuckled and intertwined our hands.

"Can we practice now without you falling asleep,"Cal asked Luke.

"Yes,now lets go before I chance my mind,"he said as they walked downstairs.

"I didn't know we had a basement,"I said as I watched them walk down.

"Well,you can come down if you want,just don't get in the way of practice,"Cal said as I followed.

"Holy shit,it's huge,"I said as I looked around.

"That's what she said,"Mikey said while laughing.

"Mikey,I'm going to cut your dick off,"I said as I slowly walked towards him.

"Okay,sorry,calm down Jewels,"he said putting his hands up in defense.

After they finished practicing,we all went upstairs and ordered pizza.Once it got here,the boys tackled me when I set down the boxes.

"We never asked,but what did you think about the band,"Ash asked.

"You guys sound amazing,"I said.

"Thanks babe,"Luke said as he handed me a can of pop and sat next to me.

"How long have you two been together,"Cal asked.

"Um,a week or so,"Luke said.

"Wow,you two look like you've been dating for years,"Ash said.

"I really hope we last that long,"I said.

"Don't worry babe,we will,"Luke said.

1 Month Later

Me and Luke we're cuddling on his couch while watching a movie when the doorbell rang.

"Yay,the boys are here,I'll get it,"I said as I got up to answer the door.

When I opened the door,Luke's ex girlfriend Stacy was at the door.

"What the hell are you doing here,"I said in a disgusted tone.

"I wanted to give Luke his shirt that he left at my house last night and tell him I had fun,"she said,holding up Luke's shirt.I snatched the shirt from here and slammed the door.Tears were falling down my face as I threw the shirt at him.

"How could you do this to me Luke,"I screamed at him.

"Babe,what the hell are you talking about,"he asked.

"Your ex was just at the fucking door and she said you left your shirt at her house last night and wanted me to tell you she had a fun time too,"I yelled once again.He looked like he was trying to figure something out from the expression on his face.

"Don't tell me you went to her house,"I said in a pleading voice.

"I did,bu-Are you fucking serious,"Luke started but I cut him off and started yelling.

"I just went to get my things she stole from me when we broke up,she would come over and just walk in and take my things when no one was home,"Luke yelled back.

"Oh my god,I feel so stupid,"I said as I dropped to the floor.

"Did you seriously not trust me,"Luke asked with sadness covering his face.

"I jumped to conclusions,"I started but was cut off by Luke.

"I'm sorry,but if you can't trust me,then I can't be with you,I think it's best if you leave,"Luke said as he opened the door.

"Please,don't do this,"I pleaded.

"I have to,I'm sorry,but this is best,"he said as I walked out.I soon heard the door close as I walked towards the bus stop and waited.Soon the bus came I rode it all the way home since my dad was working and Cal was at Luke's house.

Once I got home,I went to my room and locked the door and crawled into bed as I cried.I soon heard pounding on the door.

"Jewels,open the door,"Cal said in a worried tone.

"Leave me the fuck alone Calum,"I snapped.

"I heard what happened and I want to talk to you,"Cal asked again.

"I said go away Calum,now get the hell away from my room,"I screamed.He then left as I layed in my bed as I cried myself to sleep.

2 Weeks Later

It's been 2 weeks since Luke broke up with me and I haven't came out of my room since.Cal left food by my door the first day and tried to pull me out of my room,only to get nutted,so he didn't do that again.They just leave food by my door and I'd open it after a few minutes and take the food or I'd sneak out my window and get McDonalds or something.Cal or my dad would always tell me to come out,but I would just yell at them from inside my room.I had rechargeable batteries in my room so I could play Xbox and I'd watch the movies I have in my room when I felt like it.I never had to come out of my room again,but I just remembered that I'm running low on toilet paper and tampons and I don't have much money.I wrote those two things on a paper asking if they could pick me up some and slipped it under the door.

"Okay,I'm going to the store later so I'll get you some,"my dad said.

"Thanks,"I yelled.

"Jewels,can you please come out,it's been 2 weeks since any of us have seen you,"my dad asked.I got up and unlocked my door and my dad came in.My cheeks were stained with dry tears and my eyes were red and puffy.

"I'm sorry honey,but you can talk to me if you want,"he said as I broke down into tears.He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his chest.

"It hurts dad,"I cried.

"I know baby,but you need to be strong about it and get on with your life.You can't just spend your summer locked in your room because of a boy,"he said.

"Yeah,thanks dad,"I said as I wiped away the tears.

"No problem,now do you want to go to the store with me,"He asked.

"Sure,just let me get ready,"I said.He nodded and left as I got ready.I soon came downstairs as my dad stood up from the couch.

"Okay,lets go,"my dad said as we left.

Once we finished shopping,we headed back to the house.Before we got home,we stopped at McDonalds to get to get some lunch.We've been telling each other jokes and we walked through the door as Cal and the boys were sitting on the couch.

"I still don't understand why-Jewels,I thought you were in your room,"Cal said.Luke was just sitting on the couch looking at the floor as he glanced up at me a few times.I couldn't say anything,so I ran to my room and locked the door.

"Honey,I'm leaving your things outside your door,"my dad said,but before he could leave,I opened the door and pulled him in.

"Please make them leave,I can't face them right now.I wanted to just have the house to ourselves,just me and you dad,"I asked.

"Alright,"he said as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

"Okay,they're gone,it's just us now,"my dad said walking back in my room.

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