Chapter 13

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After I slammed the door,I locked it,slid down my door,and screamed into my hands.Soon,there was a light knock on my door.I opened the door hoping Cal was there,but it was Luke who was crying.

"Please,let me explain,"he said.I just charged towards he and pounding my fists against his chest as he hugged me,trying to contain me.

"You're such an ass,"I yelled.

"I know,I've messed big time,"Luke softly said.

"What did I ever do to you,you're a prick that should be locked up for life,only to rot in hell for all eternity,"I shouted.

"You didn't do anything,I deserve to be locked away.I deserved to be more than slapped.I deserve to never feel love again,"he said.After a few more minutes,I calm down and cried into his chest.He then picked me up,carried me into my room,closed the door with his foot,and set me on my bed.

"Why have you been such a dick to me,"I asked.

"I don't know,but I know that I'm a fuck up,"he said.

"Why did you break up with me,"I asked as I looked him in the eyes.

"I didn't think you trusted me,but once I thought about it,I realized that what she said sounded bad,"he said.

"But I did jump to conclusions,I should've let you explain,"I said.

"I still had no right to just break up because of it.Honestly I would've done the same and I had no reason to always yell at you after it,"he said.

"We've both have done something we regret,"I said.

"But I'm hoping you'll forgive me,"he asked.

"I forgive you,but I can't date you right now,I'm just going to clarify that so we're both on the same page,"I said.

"I'm okay with that,I figured it would take time before we dated because we need to fix our friendship first,"Luke said.

After a quick hug,we went downstairs to see the boys sitting on the couch.They looked at us as I poked Luke and ran as he chased after me.I ran outside and closed the door to give me some time to grab a water gun.I ran around the house and ran through the front door and ran to the sink to fill it up.Once it was completely filled,I went back outside through the front door.Once I got to the side of the house,I saw Luke looking around to bushes that lined the house.I quietly snuck up on him and popped up and shot him in the back with it.

"What the fuck,"Luke yelled as he turned around.

"That was cold,"he said.

"I know,I put cold water in it,"I said as I sprayed him again.

"Give me the water gun,"Luke yelled as he ran towards me.I ran into the house and locked the doors.

"Wanna help me soak Luke,"I asked the boys who were watching through the window.They all nodded as I ran outside as a distraction as they hid all the water guns so Luke couldn't get one.

"Come here,you're going to pay for getting me all wet,"Luke yelled.

"Touch me and you'll regret it,"I yelled.Not long after,I was thrown over Luke's shoulder.

"I said you would regret catching me,"I said while I laughed.

"And why is that,"he asked.Soon after,the door to the house opened the other boys ran out.Luke quickly put me down and ran.

We chased him around the house,but we couldn't catch him.I decided to cut him off and go the opposite direction he was running,so I crouched behind a bush and waited for him to run by.Once I saw him,I screamed and he jumped and fell to the ground as we circled around him.

"Please don't do this guys,"Luke pleaded.

"But we wanna,"Mikey whined.

"3,2,1.....,"I counted down,but be fore we shot him,Luke yelled something that made us all laugh as we sprayed him.

"I hate you people,"he yelled as we soaked him.I was having fun till they all turned to me and started spraying as Luke took my water gun and sprayed me.

"Traitors,"I yelled.They just laughed as they sprayed me.Afterwards,we all went inside as I changed and Luke borrowed some of Cal's clothes.

"We should stay at my house tonight,"Mikey suggested.

"Well,then I'll see you guys tomorrow,"I said as I got up.

"Don't you wanna come with us,"Ash asked.

"Well,usually you don't invite me,so I just thought it would just be you guys,"I said.

"I'll help you pack,"Luke said as he followed me to my room.We quickly packed me a small bag and I checked my appearance in my mirror.

"What are you doing,"Luke said as he lightly chuckled.

"This is the first time I'm meeting Mikey's parents,so I want to make a good impression,"I said.

"Put your hair like this,"Luke said as he messed with my hair and honestly,it looked nice.

"There,"Luke said when he finished.

"I love it,it look amazing,"I said as I turned to Luke.

"You're going to need your bush,"Luke said as he reach behind me so his body was pressed to mine.He got the brush and stuffed it in my bag,then zipped it up and we walked downstairs.

"Okay,lets go,"Mikey said.

Before we headed to Mikey's,we stopped at Luke and Ash's houses to pick up their things,then headed to Mikey's house.Once we got there,we all got out and went inside.

"Mom,dad,this is Jewels,"Mikey said to his parents.

"Hello,"I said as they smiled.

"The answer is yes Mikey,now leave before I change my mind,"his mom scolded.We all looked confused when Mikey rushed us back into the car.

"What's going on,"Ash asked.

"You'll see,"Mikey replied.

"Where are we going,"Cal asked.

"It's a surprise,"he said as he got annoyed with the questions.

"Have we been there,"Luke asked.

"No,my parents just bought this and they said I could take us there for the night,"Mikey said.

Once we got there,we all were gawking at what was in front of us.

"Your parents got a cabin in the woods.It's beautiful,quiet,peaceful,and a great way to escape reality,"I said.

"I have to see if my parents will get one so I can do this every weekend,"Luke said.

"We should come here more now that your parents have this,"Cal said.

"I want see if it's just as nice on the inside as it is on the outside,"Ash said.

Once we got inside,I was in heaven.It was a beautiful cabin and had nice woodwork on the inside.The staircase to the upstairs was in a spiral and the kitchen had all new appliances.

"The only problem is that there's 2 bedrooms,so 2 people in each,the extra person gets the couch,"Mikey said as they all raced up the stairs while I stayed in the living room.The boys came back down as I walked to the kitchen to find food.

"Lets go swimming because we have a pool and hot tub,"Mikey said.

"Fuck the food,hot tub here I come,"I yelled as I got my bathing suit out and ran to the bathroom.

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