Chapter 12

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I couldn't see anything,all I saw was darkness and a few noises and voices.

"What the hell happened,"someone yelled.I could tell the we're crying by how raspy their voice was.

"Your father and sister got into a car accident because of a drunk driver.The drunk driver died,your sister is in a coma and is in decent condition,and your father is also in a coma,but he's in very bad condition,"a doctor said.I remember now,I got into a accident right after I told my dad about how I got into a fight with Luke.

"I'll be back soon,I'm going to see dad,stay strong and please wake up,I'm can't lose either of you,"Cal said as he grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on my forehead and left me in the room.

Not long after,the door opened again and multiple pairs of feet shuffled into the room.

"Hey Jewels,we heard what happened and came as soon as we could.Don't worry,you'll wake up and we can do whatever you want,"Ash said.

"When you wake up,we're going to go to a water park because I remember you saying how you always wanted to go to one,"Mikey said.They left after placing kisses on each of my hands and saying goodbye and they'll see me soon.Somone grabbed my hand and held it between their warm hands and brought it to their face as their hot breathe tickled my hand.

"I'm sorry for what happened at the amusement park,if that didn't happen,neither you or your dad would be here.I hope you can forgive me because I've tried and I can't get over you,I need you in my life,"Luke said.I wanted to pull my hand from his,but I couldn't move.He left a few kisses on my forehead and left.

3 Weeks Later

I'm still just laying in this boring hospital and the boys visit me everyday,Luke comes with them,but stays as long as he possibly can.Right now all the boys are in my room talking to me.

"It's been 3 week now and the doctor said that you'll wake up anytime now,"Cal said.He's been saying that for the past or so,I think the doctors are just saying that.

"We know you're in there Jewels,"Ash said.

"You just need to give us a sign,"Mikey said.

"We need you to come back to us,"Luke added.I tired my hardest to move my hand,but nothing happened.After a few more tries,my finger twitched and I started to grip someone's hand.

"Guys,I think she's waking up,"Cal stated.I soon fluttered my eyes open to see the boys looking at me and burst to tears when my eyes opened.

"Jewels,you're back,"Cal said as he hugged me.

"How you feelin',"Ash said as he hugged me too.

"Once you get out of here,we're going to the water park,"Mikey said as he joined our group hug.

"I'll tell the doctor she's awake,"Luke as he left the room.Soon he returned with a doctor.He asked me a few questions,then left to get my some food and water.

"I'm sorry about everything Jewels,"Luke said.

"I don't care,now leave before this gets any worse,"I said through gritted teeth as he left the room.

"Don't you think you were a but harsh to him,"Ash asked.

"I'm not forgiving him that quick.Ever since I met Luke,people have just hurt me and I just need a break,"I said.

"That's true,he won't learn unless he pays for his wrongs,"Mikey said.

"But don't act like you didn't do anything wrong,"Cal added.

"I know Cal,but he snapped at me first,"I stated.

"But you didn't need to bring in the break up,"Cal scolded.

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