He paused, taking a sip of his beer. "And that's what everybody's problem is." He sighed, his gaze now at me. He stared deeply in to my eyes like he wanted me to listen carefully to what he ws about to say. "People so loved mystery that they seek for adventure to find one, unaware that they're also a mystery themselves." My forehead creased. I'm lost. He just chuckled at me, patting me on the head.

"Hyung, I don't understand." I frowned.

"Well it's because you're also a mystery yourself." He shrugged, taking yet another sip from his beer.

"You lost me, hyung." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck. "I don't get a word you just said."

"Just think about it, what is it that you really want?" He raised a finger and pointed it in against me. "Do you really know who you are? Are you who you really think you are or, do you really want whatever it is that's in your mind right now? if so, then are you certain it is indeed what your heart desires?"

And that was enough to have me thinking. I honestly have no clue to who I am. I'm very certain that I want nobody but Jimin. I desire him, his whole being. I want him back. I want to witness his smile yet again. I want to feel his soft and delicate skin against mine. I want park jimin— that was no secret. I want him, I am certain of it as for today.

But what happens after all that, if he comes back, am I certain that I'd still want him? What chapter comes next?

"I said just think, not drown yourself in thoughts of it." Yoongi's chuckle brought me from my train of thoughts. He gave me a pat, now a different liquor in hand. Have I really been spacing that long? "Don't find the answers, kid. Wait for it and it'll come to you. Stop stressing yourself, it's the night to let loose and have fun. Now drink." He pointed at the almost untouched liquor in my hand.

"Jungkook!" I heard e deep voice called before a barbecue was shoved in my face. He was grinning from ear to ear, wiggling the piece of food a few inches away from my mouth. "Here, eat this. It's really good, your brother made a special sauce for it." he cheered.

I took a bite of it and savoured the delicious piece of meat. Taehyung then shoved it next to Yoongi who scowled but ate the barbecue anyway. "Anyways, you both looked so stern. What were you both talking about?" he asked, raising an innocent brow, staring at us with large eyes as he took a bite on another barbecue he has in hand.

"Mysteries." Yoongi casually replied, reaching to grab another stick of food from the latter. Taehyung just nodded his head and gave me a small smile when he caught me staring at him.

"Are you certain about Hoseok hyung?" I blurted out of the blue. I heard Yoongi chuckle beside me while Taehyung frowned, stopped from chewing his food as he raised a brow at me.

"Hyung what did you do to this innocent young child?" He asked im disbelief, earning a smack from the mint haired male. "The hell you've been telling him?"

"Mysteries." Yoongi snorted, earning a chuckle from us both.

"You didn't answer my question, hyung." I nudged taehyung by the side. He laughed before nodding his head. "Are you certain about hoseok hyung? are you anywhere sure that you're still certain about him when tomorrow comes?" I asked.

He frowned, like he's in deep thought before breaking into a huge grin. "You wanna know what my answer is?" He raised a brow, earning an eager nod from me. He chuckled before ruffling my hair. "I say fuck it." he cheered, raising his hands in the air.

Yoongi laughed, shaking his head whilst I remained frowning. I honestly expected for a decent answer, not this. Taehyung must've got my irritation when he draped an arm around my neck. "Fuck whatever happens tomorrow, Jungkook." He smiled. "Live for today and your tomorrow shall come fourth. That's how you cheat on life— how you cheat on love."

"Learn what's the meaning of today and there, you shall find the answers to your every question." Yoongi added, sipping on his beer.

"Okay," was all I could utter, a huge smile gracing my lips. My eyes locked with brother's who's grilling more barbecues. He gave me a sweet smile and I returned one as well. He felt relieved to see me smile, like finally he was able to breathe.

"So, are you certain of Jimin, kook?" I heard Taehyung asked, a small smirk playing on the corners of his lips. "Are you anywhere sure you're still certain about him tomorrow?"

I took a sip of my beer, sighed in delight as the burning liquid filled my system. I grinned and spoke, "I say, fuck it!" I screamed, raising my hands in the air like how he did earlier.

Namjoon and hoseok who were having a conversation stopped as they stared in our way, along with Jin who paused from grilling to stare at us as well. Taehyung raised his fist in the air and screamed along with me whilst Yoongi just chuckled and continued sipping his drink.

Better hide well Jimin,

because I'm coming for you.

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