Chapter twenty-one - it's time!

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hi um there is two side of the next two chapters so i hope you like it. thanks. - poodleears99 

“Ness, are you ok, how far apart are they?” Dad asked. “Oh, great, I don’t want everyone to see this.” I moaned. “Alice, Jake, Dad. Could you please stay outside.” I asked them. Alice and Dad were disappointed but understood. Jacob didn’t quite under stand why. “WHAT?! I can’t see the birth of my own children? Why not?” “It’s for their sake not mine. We don’t know how much human blood they have.” I explained to him. “Come on Jacob.” Dad said gripping him by the elbow and leading him to the glass door that lead out to the woods.  The pain was starting to increase but only slightly. “Ok. Renesmee, I want to know, how far apart are the contractions?” “About two hours, they’re not very strong.” “Ok. Well let’s get started.” he said grabbing a scalpel. “No papa, I want a natural delivery if possible?” I asked him. I had already gone through this with mum and she agreed with me. “Um sure, but I will need to see if baby A or baby B is going to be born first ok?” he asked. “Sure!” I told him lifting my top up.

“Ok. So baby A will be born first, may I get your father in?” Papa asked wiping the gel of my swollen belly. “Why? didn’t you deliver me?” “Not really,” Papa explained. “You see I was out getting more blood for you and your mother and you sort of arrived ‘early’. Your father and Jacob delivered you.” “Oh, then yes, you may get h-” I said but I was stopped by a labor pain “Edward!” Papa called out of the door. “Is something wrong?” dad asked. “Why is it when I’m involved everyone thinks something is wrong?”  “Sorry, what did you want?” he asked. Papa explained it all and how he thought Dad would be the best person to deliver my children alongside Papa. “If she is happy with it then so am I” dad said looking at me. He walked over to me. “Sleep, you will need all your strength soon.” He said as he hummed my lullaby. It wasn’t long until I was asleep.

Jacob and Renesmee -COMPLETE!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ