Chapter thirty-two: Drink **RPOV**

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"Renesmee, I need you to listen. Please." Alec begged, but I couldn't get past what he had just done. He dropped the still warm body to the ground. "Aro has made me try to make you feast. You only listen to me." "I will not drink." I told him, hoping my black eyes made him afraid. I was so week, I needed to drink, but I would never allow myself to drink human blood. I did not want to be a vampire. I wasn't a vampire. "Renesmee, listen to me." I begged again, and I softened my look slightly. "She is already dead, there is nothing you can do to bring her back. Your record will still be clean. I-" "But drinking their blood, I might as well kill them. She has a chance." I watched as he pulled her hair back, showing a bite mark on her neck. "Aro feasted on her, she's dead-" He told me again. Venom filled my mouth, my body begging me to feed, but I was stronger then my instants. How would my mother react, my father? "No. I only feed on animal blood." "There is animal blood inside." He hissed, his true identity showing for a moment, before he looked down and tried to remain calm. "I took her body out and hunted a wild boar. You wont be killing her."

"How do I know your not lying?" I asked him as he laid the body down on the floor. "Look into my eyes Renesmee, they're not red. Look at my eyes." He begged, and I could see golden flecks behind them. They reminded me on my mother, a few weeks after waking. "For years, I've had to hid who I am. But you understand, your family know that they don't want to be killers, monsters. Neither do I." As he said this, it was like his eyes were dissolving, showing his pure honey golden eyes. I could now see my father in him, he always had those soft, pleading eyes at me. "Please feed."

I bend down to the body at human speed, hoping he was not lying to me as I sunk my teeth into the woman's beautiful flesh. I began to drink, finally realising how thirsty I was. I drank her dry far too quickly. I sat up, and wiped my mouth. He smiled. "Better?" he asked, and I gave him a soft smile, one I learnt from Esme.

He took the body from me, leaving it just outside the door, before closing it behind him. "Your eyes." i asked, placing my hand on his smooth cheek.  "Why do you lie?". "Because of where I am." He explained, and he looked around. He took my hand off his cheek, holding onto it instead. "Being apart of this place, you have to live to certain... expectations. One of them killing innocent tourists." He stated, ashamed of it. "You could change." I told him. "You could stop this. you don't have to lie." "i do Renesmee." he stated. "I don't have a choice." "Yes you do." I softly spoke. "You could leave." 

"BROTHER!" Jane's voice shouted throughout the halls. she walked with authority into my cell. "come with me." she spoke, and i could see that he didn't want to leave. bowing his head, his eyes bided me goodbye for now and he left with his sister. he seemed so different, when he wasn't influenced by anyone. I sat on my bed, I was alone. 

Jacob and Renesmee -COMPLETE!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora