"I'll call you tonight?"

"You don't have my number."

"Ahh! Right!" He laughed taking his phone out. Because the neighborhood was so quiet his laughter echo'd, which made me laugh. I gave him my number and I blushed at the name he put in his contact.

"What does that say?" I smiled looking over to see.

" 'Babe' with a heart." He smiled.

"You're so cheesy Harry." I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him fairly hard. He laughed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my back.

"Goodnight." I said, giving him another quick kiss on the lips before pulling away. I could never get enough of his kisses they're like strawberries and chocolate.

"Goodnight." I unlocked my door and stepped in as Harry walked back to his car. I turned around and we gave each other one last wave before shutting the door behind me.

I took a deep breath, smiling and almost squealing of joy. I leaned against the door and hugged myself, smelling the sleeve of Harry's sweater. I was too busy smelling the cologne on it to even care that I forgot to give it back. It smelled like heavy cologne and tide, oddly it was the perfect mixture. Just as I stepped into the living room, Alan was sitting his chair, legs parted and glasses low on his nose.

"Where have you been?" He smiled strangely big. He took the glasses off and held the temple pits between his teeth.

"At the park with Harry."

"Oh, okay." He shrugged, holding his smile.

"Alright." I repeated. I turned on my heel and headed for the stairs, slowly walking up because I was so lost in thought.

"So you're a couple now?" I heard him ask as I walked up.

"Yup." I simply answered.

"Knew it." I heard him chuckle. I shook my head laughing and basically ran into my room. I shut the door and ripped my jeans off and threw a pair of leggings and socks on. I kept his sweater on me, I didn't want to take it off because I loved how big and comfortable it was. I washed the makeup off my face and brushed my teeth, than pulled my hair up in a high bun. I grabbed my laptop and hopped into bed, crossing my legs and turning my lamp off so that the light on the screen was the only light in the room.

Not even two minutes later I got a text from Harry.

"Hey :)" He texted. My heart began to beat so fast and my chest began to rise and fall very quickly.

"Hi Harold :) " I replied. He immediately responded laughing asking me if I had a good time and what not. We texted for four hours, and you'll never guess who about; Beethoven. Well, not only him but our love for him. He told me what his favorite pieces were and how he relates to him. Harry doesn't seem like it, but he's a very deep guy. My mom came in and checked on me, asking me where I was and how everything went. She didn't seem to really mind that I was with Harry, despite her hatred towards his tattoo's and "holes in his face."

"I'm going to bed babe, I'll see you tomorrow" I finally said trying my hardest to keep my eyes open

"Goodnight, sleep tight." He tagged a kiss and I locked my phone, closing my laptop and placing it on the floor beside me. I seriously cant believe Harry's my boyfriend. Who fucking knew!? I sure as hell didn't, not even in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen. This was the first time in a really long time that I went to bed with a smile on my face and was all because of him.

I awake to the sound of my ringtone. I rolled over and stretched to grab my phone to turn it off. It was such a beautiful day out, the sun was shining and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom where I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I opened my window to see whether it was cold or not and it was somewhat cold. I didn't know what to wear I was running back and forth from closet to drawer trying to find something nice to wear. I haven't really been putting much effort into impressing anyone since Liam and I broke up and it's nice to get dolled up for someone. I decided to wear something comfortable, something that would keep me warm throughout the day. Maybe I should wear Harry's sweater. Am I moving too fast by doing that? Yeah..I think I am. I decided against it and wore a pair of thick dark brown leggings along with a white knitted sweater that fell just below my thighs, and I finished it off with a pair of black moccasins.

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