42. Dreams Come True?

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Gerard had said he had some business but in the last hour and a half I've been here I haven't seen one person walk up to him but he did meander a lot around the club. One thing I noticed was that a lot of men in the club had guns, the evident swelling in the sides and I'm sure Dan noticed it too because he seemed more alert now keeping his hands on my body and his posture erect.

His hand was fisted on the table and he eyed the people around us suspiciously, drinking less and less now.

Dan didn't know what Gerard looked like so even if I kept glancing at the bar he didn't seem to think anything odd about it but he kept the conversation flowing between us and trying to convince me to leave. But I was on a mission and Dan could take care of himself.

"Princess, why are we still here, Ellie left fifteen minutes ago?" Dan pressed and I rested my free hand on his which was draped around my thigh.

"Dan it's just a club and since Ellie convinced me to something so outrageous - I just want to enjoy the experience."

"I didn't think Ellie would bring you to a biker club, I see drug lords and traffickers everywhere," he muttered distastefully and flicked his head in the general direction of that crowd. I'd seen plenty of those too and I knew exactly why Gerard would frequent this club.

If only the man who was supposed to be meeting him tonight showed up I could trap him and the master and rid the city of one such druggie goon. But he was a no show or simply royally late.

Dan was getting edgy by the minute and every time the waiter came back with my martini he returned it because a drunk McKenna was an irresponsible McKenna and I had to agree with him, so I stopped drinking.

But my agitation was something else. I couldn't wait any longer and the sight of Gerard swimming the floor, sweeping by girls and hanging out at the bar seemed to a thorn in my side as I thought of Emily and her innocent child.

I couldn't want to free them from the hell anymore than I did right now but with Dan here my entire plan was thrown into a road roller and I was sitting here improvising.

I couldn't tell him. He'd make me leave, he'd definitely scrap the idea and escape out of here before I could say 'wait!' and I couldn't have that.

"McKenna, I think we should leave." I knew he was getting serious when he used my name and the way his fisted hand lay on the table with his eyes perusing the room, he didn't even glance at me as he spoke.

I sighed and decided to think fast to speed up the process because I couldn't force Dan to stay if he was worried about me. I had to find out if this dealer was coming.

"Okay, I'm going to get some water at the bar and then we can leave." I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me as I smiled at him. He didn't respond with a smile and gave me a terse nod.

I shifted my legs off his lap and grabbed my purse and jacket hooking it to my shoulder and headed to the bar to get my plan in motion.

Gerard was leaning in the centre of the bar talking animatedly to the bearded bartender when I walked up to his side and squeezed myself in. My breasts brushed his arm slightly as I turned my body in and called the bartender's attention.

"Glass of water, please." I told him and he smiled as he headed to the tap to bring it.

"So.... you here alone?" Gerard asked after eyeballing me for some time, in the classic creepy guy style and I turned my flirty smile to him.

Right Imperfections |✔ [Book 1 of Runaway Bride Series]Where stories live. Discover now