30. What Does He Want?

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My phone was buzzing off the hook and delusional as I was I couldn't help wondering if it was Dan every time the sucker bleated loudly.

It had been a few days since I'd been to his apartment and since then every part of my day revolved around him. When he was with me I was looking at him and when he wasn't I was shamelessly dreaming about him. It had reached a point of obsession and I couldn't find a cure to my addiction.

I had although put my foot down on the public display of possession so that I could ease into the transition of a single woman - or that's what I liked to believe because Evan had most definitely taken a holiday - and allow people to see me as myself before I strutted around with a new man.

And as pouty as he could be I'd successfully won that argument with a little cajoling and a little hands on approach. Slowly, slowly I was seeing the man under the suit - literally and metaphorically - with his whims and child like demands, his incessant need to cuddle after a round of R rated sexual games and his dominating side, I'd began to see it all. He was a multitude of colours in the dull shades of grey and I was slowly starting to clean out the layer of dirt to see the picture under. But mind me, it wasn't easy.

His prejudice to woman kind was stifling and even if I knew that his worry came from a good place I couldn't help but argue and fight. Every time he said something he wanted to do for me I took a hit and then bam! The house of cards came tumbling down.

It was difficult being with a man who was hellbent on doing you good by constantly canoodling your weak side. It's like he purposely prodded my beastly personality to feed his amusement. I shook my head in disapproval and still smiled like a retard on the vague aimless thoughts of him.

I remembered that evening with him at his far off tower so vividly that I could feel the tangible touch and the taste of his salty, sweaty skin when we lay in postcoital glow, basking in the warmth of the other and feeling the rise and fall of our heartbeats as we panted. The room was filled with sounds of us, our cries, our moans, our passionate echoes as we chanted each other's names and the whisper of our pants as we lay cocooned in the black sheets, utterly spent.

Everything was like a little spark on my skin and I returned to that spot when I was under him with his welcome weight pressed to my body and his arms braced above my head as he gazed down at me with absolute reverence. I remembered turning my face up to meet his lips and his hands as the coasted down my naked body to tease me alive. Everything was a raging fire inside of me and I slumped back in my seat coming alive just at the thought of his hands on me.

The phone buzzed again and this time I didn't bother checking the caller name. I pressed the button half heartedly and panted an unintentional erotic, "hello."

"Woah, Princess you just gave me a boner," his familiar voice sighed sensually from the other end. I smiled, not moving from my slumped position, listening to the smile in his voice.

"What were you thinking of?" He asked, voice husked with arousal. How we affected each other from across a phone line it was mind boggling. "Nothing too special." I retorted.

"I like to believe I'm mighty special," he huffed with fake annoyance. "I'm sure I know exactly what you're thinking about!" He smirked across the line.

"You do?"

"Yes, do me a favour." He said, voice turning solemn as he commanded. "Raise your hand," he followed.

Right Imperfections |✔ [Book 1 of Runaway Bride Series]Where stories live. Discover now