39. Everyone Has Plans

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I stirred awake when the sun beat down on my face like an imposing tattoo pressing into my skin. Dan was sprawled on his stomach beside me with his arms tucked under the pillow, away from me. I realised why I woke up because usually Dan slept with me tucked under his chin, with his back to the windows as he shaded me from the hot morning sun.

"Dan," I groaned and pressed my palm to his naked back as he shifted in his sleep. "Hmm," he mumbled and freed his arms from under the pillow to tug me into his side.

"It's too early," he muttered childishly and pressed his lips together. I pulled away from him to wake him up but the arm snaked around me held on so tight that I didn't even have wriggling room.

"I'm glad you think that, but it isn't a weekend yet. Friday, honey." I mumbled to stir him awake again.

"I need my own company," he groaned and then twisted around to lie flat on his back.

"Hmm," I whispered as I turned on my stomach and rested my chin on my fists looking down at him. He looked wide awake now and his solemn gaze looked at me as he repeated, "hmm," he smiled and then raised his palm to playful smack my butt.

"Tomorrow is Saturday," he whispered provocatively.

"So? You're always working Saturdays." I pouted and complained.

"I'll try to keep it short this weekend." He said, guiltily.

"No, it's okay, I know you have big plans. It's an occupational hazard, Sunday?" I said, cheerily and he smirked at me, "our day in bed."

Remembering his off late turn off from sex I pursed my lips at him and then bent forward to press my lips to the corner of his mouth, "don't make promises you can't keep." And then slid off the bed to head for a shower as he groaned and flopped back down for a few minutes more of sleep.

We'd spent the night at my house because Dan was late again and I had some work to do which wasn't possible with Dan's limited supply so I crashed here and then half past midnight he showed up, in his wrinkled suit and messed up hair he climbed into bed with me and then seconds later he was off.

I did a quick once over in the mirror after my shower and headed back to my room to get dressed. Dan wasn't in bed anymore so I thought he'd headed down for breakfast. I raided my closet swiftly and picked out an ivory full sleeve lace top with flowery embroidery and fitting black trousers that accentuated the length of my legs and also skilfully covered my five inch black boots. The air was turning bitter with the windy weather around the corner, so I decided to dress warmly for the day.

Dan was making breakfast when I reached the kitchen and two plates of eggs and bacon was sitting on the counter as he continued his work in his half naked attire.

"Did you undress me last night?" He asked, his back to me as he squeezed some juice from the juicer.

"Yeah, you fell asleep in your suit," I said, taking a bite of the eggs.

"I didn't know you were awake," he muttered as he turned back to me.

"You made quiet the ruckus." I shrugged and motioned for him to sit down.

"I'm sorry for that, I know you weren't expecting me but I couldn't sleep at home. And I was really exhausted."

"It's okay, as long as you slept well," I said and patted the chair next to me to draw his attention to it, "now eat something."

"No I'm going to eat after a bath. Do you have some of my clothes here?" He asked as he began to head up the stairs.

"Yep, back wall of the closet. All your suits, washed and pressed," I answered and continued with my breakfast as he waved at me before disappearing up the stairs.

Right Imperfections |✔ [Book 1 of Runaway Bride Series]Where stories live. Discover now