Chapter 53: Relatable Chaos

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Manhattan, NYC

I walked around the Target shopping for groceries. Aurora was on my hip because Malachi climbed in the cart. He was looking mad at the world eating his ice-cream cone as I walked down the aisle. I don't know why he's so upset, his little league baseball team won the game. I took a picture chuckling as he began to whine because he didn't want his picture taken.

 I took a picture chuckling as he began to whine because he didn't want his picture taken

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I began to throw stuff in the cart because I was craving so many different things. At this point I wasn't even getting snacks for the kids anymore, but for myself. "Ooh, pop tarts!" I said grabbing the strawberry flavored ones throwing them in the cart.

"No! Get the Smores flavor!" Kai piped up. I rolled my eyes throwing those in too. When I left the snack aisle I looked in the cart seeing Kai sitting chest high in nothing but boxes. I think I got a little carried away. "Can we get cupcakes?" Kai asked.

"No, we have enough snacks."

"How come you got to pick all of the snacks?" He whined.

"Cause I'm grown with a job and money, boy. Quit that whining!"

"Well, if you eat all those snacks by yourself you're gonna get fat. You already getting there," he sassed pointing at my stomach dressed in a plain black t-shirt.

Aurora laughed saying, "Mommy fat!"

"I am not! Getcho ass out of that cart. You're too old to be sitting in there anyway," I retorted motioning for him to get out.

"You mad or nah?" He said clicking his tongue. I jumped at him, so he climbed out of the cart laughing. I pushed the seat down pulling a wipe out of my purse cleaning it before putting Aurora in. I looked down at my stomach thinking...Am I really getting fat? One minute I have no appetite the other I want to eat everything in sight. I've been eating a lot and I haven't had time to go to the gym. That's when I tried to remember the last time I had my period. I couldn't remember honestly. Maybe I'm bloated because I'm about to start. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I could tell by the ring tone it was a facetime. I pulled my phone out of my Moschino purse seeing Dave😍👪 I slid it to answer immediately handing the phone to Aurora. Anytime her daddy calls she throws a fit until she gets to talk to him, so I'll save myself the trouble and let her go first.

"Ro bear! Hi mama's!" I heard his voice say as she smiled holding the phone.

"Hi, daddy. I miss you."

"I miss you too, baby girl. I'ma be home soon."

"I miss you three!" Kai yelled jumping onto the front of the cart holding on trying to get in view.

Dave chuckled saying, "Wassup, little man? You taking care of my girls?"

"You know it!" I thought about what he said calling me fat so I swerved the cart making him fall off. He dramatically fell to the ground just sitting there as I laughed.

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