Chapter 2: Life & Death

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We had just buried my Aunt Michelle and Melissa and my heart felt heavy. How does this happen? They were buried right next to Malik. After they finished lowering the caskets Ezekiel came over to me and I hugged him. Not only did he lose his brother, but now his mother. "You know I got your back forever." I told him still in the hug. He just nodded his head.

He pulled away from me. "For a short moment I was questioning God. Like why the fuck does he keep taking people from me? Like what the fuck did I do?" His eyes were glazed over and red. I could see tears forming. "But I know this is a blessing in disguise. I just know it is. I hope it is. I pray it is, man! Because this shit is getting too much for me. I don't have nobody now, D."

I hugged him again. "You don't have nobody. You got me. I told you until the day I die, you're always gonna be good. I put that on everything! I love you."

"I love you too." He walked away then my mom came up to me. She gave me a small smile so I pushed one out too.

"The service was beautiful. They would've loved it." She paused, "I need to talk to you about something."

"What's up, Ma?"

"You know Malachi is your God-son and you see his grandmother on his mom's side isn't in the condition or position to take care of him. Melissa said the next best person she would want to take care of him is you. Her family wants to know if you can adopt Malachi.."

I scratched my head sighing. "Momma, I-"

"I know, I know that's a big responsibility. You don't have kids, so you don't know. You're newly married too. But who's going to take care of him? You know Malik would want you to take him. I'll help you, you know I will. Just please, think about it."

"Fine, I'll have to talk to Bernice about it also."

"Of course!" I nodded then she walked off. I looked over at Zeek who was holding Malachi. Am I really in the position to take care of someone else's child? I'm a rapper, so I'm gone a lot doing shows or just in the studio. Not to mention I haven't even finished my album that's supposed to be done by December.

Bernice came up to me rubbing my back. We left going to my mom's where everyone went to eat. Then after that me and Bernice left going to a hotel until our condo is done. I was laying in the bed when Bernice got in the bed. She laid her head on my chest. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"Today. At the cemetery my mom asked me to do something and I don't know what to do..."

"To do what?"

"Adopt Malachi. What do you think?"

"I mean, I don't think he has anybody else that can take him. What are your reservations?"

"I don't know. I just feel like I can't do it. Plus, I already have enough going on. I don't want to take him if I can't do a good job with him. And I don't want to adopt him, but be gone all of the time. Then that'll leave you taking care of him by yourself. That's not right."

"You can do it. You're great with kids. What ever you decide you know I'm supporting. But really who else can take him? Zeek is trying to finish up school and his other grandmother just can't."

"I know. It's just...We just got married. I don't want you to feel like you're stuck with my burdens and baggage because it is my family. We didn't even get to really enjoy the fact we're married."

"It's not a burden. This is life and life happens. I would be mad selfish if I said don't take him just because we just got married. I'm a big girl. I can handle it and so can you. Plus, your mom will help."

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