Not Yet

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i bet only a few will laugh or at least smile reading this part XD

oh yea :3 I'm working on a new story; inspired by some role playing games (RPG) :D

hoepfully, it'll be better than this =w=

MUSIC TO LISTEN TO AS BGM: duri hana love theme~~







OHHHHHHMAYYYYYYYGAWDDDDDD...I'm so stupid. Just plain stupiddddd.

Well they really didn't go...they said they'll stick with me for some time. I mean, I'm happy, very very very very happy's just that surprising....*poker face*

Okay, so I ran to the gate with them and introduced them to the guards, our names only. I realized I caused an uproar because people would scream like:


"Oh my gosh, bless you Hana-hime!!!!"

"Princess Hana is back! REJOICE!"

---repeat those lines for hundreds of times...

I'm sure the news already went to the castle. It took lots of time before we could reach it too since our kingdom is THAT big. Imagine how long I dug that hole I went through ahahaha....hard work really does pay off, you scumbags....I always have hated those drunkards in our garrison and patrols but they're not to blame. I get how boring it is and very tiring to watch and try to organize the people here. The kingdom looks like hell ever since I was gone. The king and queen really don't look outside huh...ughhhh....

We're here. We were greeted by my mother with tears of joy.

"Oh my, it really is my daughter...", she cried.

"I'm sorry I was gone for a month..."

"It's not your fault...You knew it was actually an engagement party..."

"But I thought----"

"We wanted your permission. We wanted to think of you..."

"Thanks mom...but I'm afraid I have to tell you that I do not plan to be engaged or be married to Tetsuya."

"Hm..? Why is that? Were being childhood friends not enough?"

"Eh?! It's not thatttt...just...uh....grrrr...I'll talk to you about it later. Can you call papa? Oh and by the way, these are my fr---"

"Wait a minute, okay? I'll call your father~ <3"

"Eh?! Wait!'ll just go to my room for a bit.."

I glanced at them and said, " mother's a bit blind to her surroundings...For example, when I was younger, she thought I was a pot of plant. Then, I'm going." I scurried along and left them. "Owaaaah~~~I missed my room~~!!" I moved around and around my room "I missed my mirror!!! I missed my comb!!! I missed my stuffed toys!!! I missed my books!!! I missed my quill!!! I missed my papers!!! I missed my everything!!!!!!!!!" I kept on looking around and ever since I was gone, my room wasn't obviously touched. Except...

"Hm?" I noticed some rolled-up paper on my bed, "It looks familiar..." As I looked into it, it was not just 'familiar' to me. "Ah? Ah. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! HOW DID THE MAP GET HERE?????!!!!!!!! I remember having it lost in the woods, but then Kirito found it, uh...and then...and thennnnn......what happened..?"

I went outside to the living room where Hikari, Kent, and Kirito were sitting. I asked Kirito where the map was after we found the pendants and he replied, "Hah? It's just here...", he put his hand into his pocket, "Strange...", he was still ruffling, "It's....not here...." After that, I showed him the map. He was pissed off because he thought I was fooling him but I told him the truth. We were all surprised and this was now another mystery's not that important, is it? Since we're all done, safe and sound now.


"Ah! Papa!" As soon as I recognized him I gestured Kent and Hikari to go first.

"I thought you were alone since you were always alone since childhoo----UGEEEHHH!"


"EH? EH? EHHHH??!!! B-BUT YOU JUST GOT HEREEEEE!!!!!" I pushed Kirito outside and left my father crying and sobbing alone.

"Hana..what was that about..? Being alone si--"

"Ahhhhhh-----nevermind that! Let's go! We have to go somewhere right? Kirito?"

"Uh-huh.....yeah, I guess..."

We were still walking around the garden. It's really big after all. I'm sure Kent and Hikari didn't hear what papa said. I think they've gone a long way already since they walk fast.

-10 minutes later-

"Ah. They're lost." I said with Kirito tapping my shoulder. "I'll go get them. You go first outside--"

"I'll be waiting out front..."

"Then, see you later-!" I ran and shouted, "OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! KeiKari!!!!"


"Yeah, Hikari told me his name was Keisuke or something--ah! WAIT KEIKARI!!!"

"Real name? What's she talking about?"


And with that scream of their names together I walked along. I could see fading footprints at a dark side of the garden where the sunshine can't reach. I was curious as to which it leads to. As I paced forth, there was a-----------------------


"That princess........this was the hole she was talking about...the one she dug...." I can't believe she really meant that...I can't believe it still hasn't been found out....Well it's great it didn't come from her room. The footsteps are from the window from her room, maybe that's what she meant....maybe it's just my imagination...


Uh...sorry for the errors..i'll fix that later :)

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