Jump Then Fall

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Enjoy <3 <3 <3



The night's coming. Better prepare the medicines. I helped make the dinner. Mushroom soup and fried fish. Hikari told me she'll take a bath when Kirito came back inside. He slammed down, drop dead on the sofa.

"No manners." I presumed.

"I'm tired." He replied with a sloppy tone so I asked, "What'd you do?"

"Walked around the house."

"I don't consider that tiring..."

"I do." He said while sticking his tongue out.

"Not much like a 19-year-old are you..."


I left him sloth-ing downstairs and called the two girls. They were having fun in Hikari's room, maybe laughing about girly girl stuff. I knocked and opened the door seeing their shocked faces.

"Kent?" They asked in unison.

"Dinner's ready."

"Uh. Oh. Okay." Hikari jumped off and went first. I noticed Hana arranging some pictures.

"Whose are those?"

"Hers. We were laughing about family. How dads were funny and all..."

"I thought she lived alone...?"

"Her family died in an accident."

"Oh...no wonder the house was big."

"Come on, let's go. Dinner's ready right?"


I wish I could fill the holes in her heart. A girl abandoned at that young age, it's heartbreaking. I remember how I lied to Hana in the forest. Actually, I cried because I ran away from the town. My family wasn't so kind, loving, nor caring. I couldn't take it anymore so I went. At that time, Hana found me in the forest, I felt so happy. It's true.......that Kirito and Hana are my family---but I'd also like to add Hikari.

I want Hikari to feel what I feel. I want her to know we ARE family.

After dinner, Hana and Kirito quickly went to bed. They were clearly full. Hikari and I washed the dishes. I asked her if we could talk outside. I'm more comfortable with nature than the thought that the other two'll hear.

"Listen, are you sad?"

"No uh---why? Oh gosh! Do I look like it?!"

"Ahaha no. It's just that...your family..."

"Oh I'm fine! Really I am!" She rolled her eyes.

"How could you be? You are alone at this age!"

"It's okay. Now I have a new family." I looked at her, thinking this might be her melancholy.

"Hah?" I asked in confusion.

"I have you guys!!!" Her loathsome aura faded away and she smiled as if she won a big contest. It's like she knew what I wanted to tell her.

"You are weird on so many levels ahaha." I turned away.

"What's so funny? Kirito and Hana'll be our papa and mama."

"Ahaha, no way. Kirito? Papa? Ahahaha."

"Then we can be the siblings ~ <3"


"See? A whoooooole family."

"What we can't be the husband and wife?"


I looked at her and she just realized the meaning of what I said. So cute and flustered, red all over. I figured it might be another awkward moment so I stood up first. Before I walked, she held my hand and stood up. I faced her and she kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm not really afraid of jumping and falling over you. I've got a second wish now <3" Yeeeeeeh, I was speechless. A little blush crossed each of our faces. "I wanna be your wife when I grow up!" I just smiled. I liked her so much. I want to be your husband...when I grow up...

We walked hand in hand to our room and slept. The moonlight was striking her...I choose you. Really you. Only you.


Woooah oh~ don't be afraid to jump then fall~~~ into me! Dammit rabitto!

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