Come Back

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Oke you munchbunz, I just hope you guys know Taylor Swift===and her song IF THIS WAS A MOVIE (i made up some of the lyrics oke!) . If you don't, listen to it now or before, while, or after reading this. I was pretty emotional  writing this. My day was really bad....

Oh and..haha.. funny thing bout this part......we're like---in the olden times---but they already have a movie.....haha.....

hey im still sad...

sorry for dragging you to my sadness, not that you are...are you?

enjoy my loathsome part----(not really loathsome, just a lil)



"You stupid trolls!!! You'll see!!! Your faces are going to be so beat up by Kirito!!! Fuwahaha! He's the best hunter there is!!!!!!! RahrahrahrahrahrahRAHHHHHHHHWWWWRRRR!!!!"




"HOOOOOUUUUUU?! I WILL NEVER-!!!!!!" yeah, my head hit a branch and I fell unconscious. OH! --- and right now, I'm chained to a wall.

"Ah, it's that girl..." Just then, a man entered and I heard a familiar voice. I could see a few features of his even if it was really dark.

"Hey freaky looking guy!!!! Where am I?! Who are you?!" I kept on asking and shouting---

"You..........." I felt an ominous aura right after that..."You are the one who killed my brother!!!!!!!"

"Killed?! I didn't kill anybody!!!!!! Except those demons...ah! Asch...just who are you?! Are you with those freaking trolls?!"

The atmosphere turned back to normal. He didn't answer me. He turned around, lit a torch, and left. I was all alone in that dungeon. I could remember what fear was like. I'd never imagine I'd see blood from tortured people here, skeletons, rotten flesh......the whole room was scary. I could feel my whole body shivering. After a few minutes, the guy came back but now with an assistant. The boy could be just my age. The guy put out the fire from the torch, maybe to not expose his hideous face...

"Answer me right and I just might spare you." He threatened me and truth be told---he's capable of doing it. In the dark, I could see weapons, all kinds of them.

"Heh, just try me." Despite the troubling situation, I still put on a tough act seeing him full of arrogance.

"Tch." He grabbed a whip upon hearing my answer. I was sure he was pissed. "First question, why did you kill my brother?"

"Like I said, I never killed anyo-!"....That hurt......he just whipped dress had a slit and my left leg & left arm has a new wound.

"Second question, why did you come back here?"

"I was never he-!"....And now even my right leg, right arm, right part of my body, & right cheek has one.

"Third question, who are you with?"

"As if I'll answ-!"....he whipped me countless times after the third question and answer. My act loosened off and disappeared---replaced by more fear than ever.

I didn't know I fell unconscious until the 100th whip until the boy told me. I figured maybe he unchained me to clean my bruises. He layed me in his arms and started to wipe the blood really stings..."I'm sorry about my master. He's just really devastated by the death of his brother some years ago." I was speechless. "I'm Shigure by the way." I fell asleep due to the softness of his voice but it also caused me nightmares.

Waking up, I felt that I was chained again to the wall. I refuse to open my eyes, seeing more disturbing things. The thought of Kirito saving me was suddenly and completely wiped out of my mind. To remember one thought, when dad fought against an army outside our kingdom in the rain.....when dad was thought to be dead...

"Last night I heard my own heart beating, sounded like footsteps on the stairs, six months gone and I'm still reaching, even though I know you're not there, playing back a thousand memories, thinking about everything we've been through, I've been going back too much lately, when time stood still and I had you...

Come back, come back, come back to me would, you would, if this was a movie....stand in the rain outside until I came out...come back, come back, come back to me could, you could, if you just came back to me...I know it's all impossible, everything...but if this was a movie, you'd be here by now..." Mom sang that all throughout those six months, every day and night, hoping to see father barging in the castle and immediately hugging her. The last night mom sang the song, dad came home rushing to us safely...

I unconsciously sang, "Oye Kirito, you stupid stupid hunter...'save me from this's really scary...', I said that even though I know you're not there...playing back a thousand memories, thinking about everything we've been through...not really thinking about it much but...I really wish you were here...

Come back, come back, come back to me would, you would, if this was a movie...protect me from these nightmares...come back, come back, come back to me could, you could, if only you can hear this...come back to me hey stupid...if this was a movie, you'd be here by now........"


I hope Kirito-san gets her safely...I hope Hana-san will be fine...

Hana-san's fragrant smell never fades's like she's giving it off naturally...

I know how keen vampires' sensors are--their hearing, sight, and smell...that's because..... mother was a vampire...

Mom loved to explore, so much that she concealed every part of her being a vampire. She came upon Sashiya Village and fell in love with father. Despite father being human, despite mother being a vampire, they both loved each other so much. I was the seed of their love. I didn't acquire any vampire cells from mom---I was normal, I was human. After I was born, mom fled to a different country, unfortunately, she was discovered and was burnt to death. I don't think mama deserved it for she had a human heart. Starting there, I hated hunters, but Kirito-san was different. Kent was different...

Aufoo! I should be thinking about Hana-san!!!


Hana...wherever you are...I'll find you!!! No matter what happens---I'll find you. I just have to pick up your scent first since I can't remember the trolls'.

"'d be here by now..."


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